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DoubleTapMaster: Uh oh, that's pretty sexy... <3

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DoubleTapMaster: Damn...

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DoubleTapMaster: Actually this is just great, haha. ^_^

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DoubleTapMaster: What program did you use to make this? Anyways i really like you style! ^_^

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DoubleTapMaster: @Kewot_Rokar: Huh, i need criticism to be better, of course! I just wanted to mind that i'm 15 years old, and my art isn't that good like older "species". Haha. Anywas, thanks for nice words

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DoubleTapMaster: I hope you guys enjoy! My first Katia art, huh.
Don't judge me, i'm only 15 years old. But you can give me some tips about drawings, i need to learn a lot.
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