Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Eating: uguu

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Eating: If timezones count, I shared >>80408326 's birthday.

I... I would be fine with this.

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Eating: For great justice

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Eating: >Cider calmly accepts art critique.jpg
>Pvt. Pyle
Oh jeez.

Also, what Tahrey said.

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Eating: @Tahrey:
>"it's still December 9th in Australia"
I'm afraid we're on the other side of the International Date Line; it's 8:30 PM of the 10th. http://i.imgur.com/BjbtzWs.png

Hawai'i is still a go though. Enjoy that mead.

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Eating: It turns out bigger IS better.

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Eating: Very good job!

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Eating: Thumbs up from me

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Eating: This compact image adumbrates quite a complex journey, involving the struggles surrounding personal identity, poverty, phobia and power.
As you can tell by the hastily blurred crossing lines, this is all one big image and not a collage of individual scenes, thereby complying with the rules of entry.

(If you have not figured it out, this entry is a joke)

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Eating: That default outfit choice; you have good taste.

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Eating: She's as small as a pineapple.

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Eating: m- muh head-canon... muh head-canon

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Eating: @Rinrhajii: Reported: "No tassels"

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Eating: @Sasquatch_boote: I made sure it had all the features.
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