We are watching you.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Evilpopcorn: Mmm dat bakelite

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Evilpopcorn: @Zargothrax: I'm surprised Zargothrax of all people would recommend a hammer

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Evilpopcorn: @ADudeCalledLeo: You say that as a joke, but what if restoration COULD be used as a weapon? Don't heal the person, heal the virus that got attacked by their immune system.

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Evilpopcorn: @KuroNeko: Well, he was only being questioned- then he CLEARLY resisted arrest as you can see in this footage.

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Evilpopcorn: @PermanentFace:
Perhaps you are referring to King Arthur in his brave quest for the Holy grail, when he faced the Legendary Black Beast of Aughhhh?

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Evilpopcorn: A fire wand in a place that sells copious amounts of alcohol sounds like a really bad idea...

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Evilpopcorn: I regret checking out the Booru tonight... thanks for the nightmare fuel, Kuro.

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Evilpopcorn: The "PG" rating for Prequel is honestly the best joke here.

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Evilpopcorn: Get out of here, Stalker.

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Evilpopcorn: I have no idea what I'm looking at... but I'm thinking Japan and drugs had something to do with it.

It's goddamn beautiful.

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Evilpopcorn: There really isn't enough Gaius stuff... wait would Gaius be considered a heretic? What's his opinion on the Imperial Cult?

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Evilpopcorn: SHE'S WEARING A WIRE!!!

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Evilpopcorn: Ha! A triple cross-over.

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Evilpopcorn: Bartender is displeased.

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Evilpopcorn: @Sashimi: And incredible depth perception for a man with one eye.
Nice work though Toryu.

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Evilpopcorn: @Rick2tails: I hate to be "that guy" but I just wanna point out this from the comic- http://www.prequeladventure.com/this/story595.gif
(The art here is awesome though)

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Evilpopcorn: ASOTIL character best is.

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Evilpopcorn: The URL didn't post... uh... first side story.

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Evilpopcorn: This guy- @Toryu-Mau:

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Evilpopcorn: I had forgotten about this.
ALSO- ASOTIL best character.

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Evilpopcorn: GIAO's birthday present, a true masterpiece of our time.

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Evilpopcorn: @PermanentFace: Because pineapple on pizza is such a heinous act that he came all the way from Skyrim to stop it, but he has to observe local customs.

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Evilpopcorn: @SilentOrbweaver: How high were you when you wrote this? (Although... this is gold)

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Evilpopcorn: As soon as I saw the thumbnail I thought of

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Evilpopcorn: Yea but with her luck someone would use a stray cat pun, igniting a fire in the barrel.

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Evilpopcorn: I mean it's fine if you only fired a few shots, the barrel doesn't get THAT hot THAT fast.

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Evilpopcorn: @Radian:
It will never stop, you cannot stop the eternal shitpost of fate.

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Evilpopcorn: @Sashimi: Oh so THAT'S how she's gonna escape the cage! Along with Saint Jiub punctually punching perilous pigeons in padded plates plotting pumpkin perfection.

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Evilpopcorn: Jesus this is STILL going?!

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Evilpopcorn: Just noticed I can't edit... but here if you need to see full size-

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Now someone who knows how to art make this not suck.

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Evilpopcorn: I apologize for the nightmare I'm about to unleash.

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Evilpopcorn: @CandyDragon: It's Broheart from Broforce, parody of William Wallace.

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Evilpopcorn: @SilentOrbweaver: ... you just made this fanart at least 10x better.

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Evilpopcorn: @Toryu-Mau: This one- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb-rRK6PqxI

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Evilpopcorn: Got bored tonight, doodled this on an envelope. Suffer my crappy drawing skills.

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Evilpopcorn: ... Honestly the first thing I thought when I saw this was "KALI-MAAAAA!!!"

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Evilpopcorn: @realbboy: POINTS! And to the right is just my signature.

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Evilpopcorn: @makimb0: By the way, points if you can guess WTF I wrote on the bottom, next to my signature.

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Evilpopcorn: Doodled this during Kaz's stream, Makimb0 said something that made me wanna try drawing something.
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