The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Fallingfeather: well i wasnt expecting THAT. (Super well done though! I love how all of the pins just sloooowly fall)

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Fallingfeather: Woah, clever use of the resources! I love that animated background!

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Fallingfeather: @Enheldor The chest says "Teammates" XD All the text is just rearranged version of the magetallow candles 25 ct sign, so it was difficult to find a word that implies "there are people in this box". XD

And thank you all for the compliments! I'll probably end up uploading the normal, higher quality gif elsewhere. (I am very new to this site though- does anyone know if linking to other images is allowed?)

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Fallingfeather: Apologies for the incredibly shoddy quality. It was literally the only way I could get this 26 second monster under the 3.5 MB limit, lol.
Anyway, have some magical cloning shenanigans.
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