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FonkDerok: Best girl. If she were to lock me in a room with an imp, I probably deserve it

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FonkDerok: @NewFace
It's a neat little rpg he's making. basically yea he's cheating on us lmao

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FonkDerok: Always nice to see more Raj

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FonkDerok: I see we have discovered a new angle to test an old question

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FonkDerok: Ah yes, the Rajirra love. never enough

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FonkDerok: @ChrisMono: Where might I find this "pretty cool" rpg?

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FonkDerok: @Skybolt06: according to @ADudeCalledLeo, giant tumor
it seems to have been safely removed without affecting cuteness, thankfully

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FonkDerok: absolutely precious

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FonkDerok: one issue: she's not scarred in oblivion
aside from that its quite the enjoyable scene

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FonkDerok: every bit of yes i can give
theres never enough fancy kat

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FonkDerok: we need more dress katia

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FonkDerok: quality, i like

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FonkDerok: and thus i have a new favorite drawing of Rajirra

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FonkDerok: thicker tale yes but otherwise very nice indeed
this could make potential for an actually decent skyrim katia mod

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FonkDerok: it just
keeps getting
better and better

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FonkDerok: this is absolutely beautiful

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FonkDerok: i didnt know i wanted this crossover so badly

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FonkDerok: @MetalC0Mmander probably not as much as human error

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FonkDerok: Did nobody else notice the "and skooma" bit?
Are we not going to talk about what could come of enchanting and skooma in the same endeavor?

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FonkDerok: The scruff is a nice tough, imo

But yea @PermanentFace makes a pretty good point when you think about it

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FonkDerok: not enough weedum-ja

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FonkDerok: Plot twist: this is actually whats going on

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FonkDerok: @Enheldor but... skyrim is 4th era right? amd it takes place after oblivion

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FonkDerok: at least she has shorts this time

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FonkDerok: as a witness to this highly impractical style, i too ask "Why?"

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FonkDerok: holy shit this was like my favorite fanart of Katia and i never realized it was made into a gif

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FonkDerok: is this going to be a repeat of the comment section on mhonnie's controversial art piece?

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FonkDerok: we need some more of this artist tbh

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FonkDerok: wait doesn't mr scruffles finally die if he dies?

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FonkDerok: what happened to vanriper anyway

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FonkDerok: she forgot her name

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FonkDerok: "I have all my fingers... And the knife goes chop chop chop..."

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you underestimate my power

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FonkDerok: Velma: since he seems so nice, ask him if his sword is for sale. after all, I'm sure the mail recipients wouldn't hind if you traded their junk mail for a handy weapon. And it'd be an easy excuse to talk to this handsome green hunk of a man

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FonkDerok: Velma: forget kvatch and try and win the attention of the green orc man thing

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FonkDerok: ^^^^^ that dude ^^^^^ knows whats up ^^^^^^

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FonkDerok: F IV has oblivion
F V has skyrim
how clever

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FonkDerok: oshite tom made prequel fanart

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FonkDerok: i didnt know i needed this until now

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FonkDerok: wanted to make a new BO3 emblem and i found http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/2918 in my ipad
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