A higher power gifts you comment boxes, do not sully them with unnecessary linked images

Dramatic Descriptions

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Frootloopmuffin: @fastolaf: Wait, I'm still confused as to why you never had a coloring book as a kid?

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But PNG Fanboying aside, it looks adorable and these little icons all look great.

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Frootloopmuffin: @MikeyTheFox: I apologize and take full responsibility for instigating the argument between us simple webcomic fans. As a peace offering, I offer virtual cake

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Frootloopmuffin: @MetalC0Mmander: I do believe you mean Decepticons and Volt Boy?

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Frootloopmuffin: @Rick2tails Hey Rick!:

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Frootloopmuffin: It was super late, I was super bored, I was in a super artsy mood, so I made this. Not particularly super though...

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Frootloopmuffin: @xpesadelox:

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Frootloopmuffin: reminds me of the Wizard of Id comic!

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Frootloopmuffin: Daw!

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Frootloopmuffin: Bread?

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Frootloopmuffin: So the other day me and my buddies were playing Pathfinder and one of their characters was a cat-person type thing. So I thought "Hey! I could use this!" So now I present to you: Storm Bladeheart! (Original picture for comparison.)

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Frootloopmuffin: MS PAINT REPRESENT!

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Frootloopmuffin: The tragic effects of prolonged exposure to cold without movement for over a year. Liek if u cri evry time :(

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Frootloopmuffin: Tibul here is male BTW. Just thought I would clarify that.

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Frootloopmuffin: I wanted to challenge myself and try something new, so I took a picture of Quill Weave and turned it into someone completely different, who I am naming Tibul Neethsis.

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Frootloopmuffin: I now need to call a doctor because of how much my heart just melted.

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Frootloopmuffin: @Vidiotdragon:

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Frootloopmuffin: Just a little something that popped in my head one day and I just had to make. I apologize in advance for my awful guitar-drawing skills.

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Frootloopmuffin: @Frootloopmuffin: *EDIT* Here's the working link: http://www.prequeladventure.com/this/story107.gif

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Frootloopmuffin: I tried something new today. I'm pretty proud with how it turned out, for using a pre-existing image. (file:///C:/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-21-1534355496-264708436-32470242-1000/$RIE6THJ.gif )

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Frootloopmuffin: SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
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