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Glandziu: Use your witch hunter thinking, Kat!
Burn the your way out through the floor!

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Glandziu: @CandyDragon: Didn't expect to find people who know something about rocket science here...
And to the Starkiller, you could technically land on it, given that you brought a thick wooden shield up there (yay for ablatives), but the landing would be classified as "hard lithobraking" at best

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Glandziu: @Toxic: Yup, it's awesome... I might get back to drawing Katia...

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Glandziu: @Toxic:
You glorious man, this is beautiful piece of virtual craftsmanship. Can't wait to see the "Prequel or Making a Cat cry: the Game" game come out

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Glandziu: @Gren:
Mister, you're a genius

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Glandziu: Hang in there! (I'm pretty sure you don't need to, since orbital mecahnics will do it for you :P)
Polan of rescuing yuo!

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Glandziu: Hey, I didn't know Katia is of slavic descent...
Now it makes sense how she managed to get by mostly on alcohol all these years...

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Glandziu: @Toxic Unity hosts plenty of games already, and it is really easy to use, at least from personal experience. It comes with a code editor (if you haven't got any). If you plan to change the platform, I say go for Unity.

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Glandziu: Hey there. Your great drawing skills show themselves in this and your previous drawing. Me, as a beginner to the whole "drawing" (because you can't say my garbage is an actual drawing), I'd like to ask you a few questions.
First of all, what type of pencil do you use for shading and do you need a different one to draw the outlines?
Second, does paper type matter much when drawing?
I'd be glad if you answer to these!

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Glandziu: To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end

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Glandziu: Great work! I enjoy the silliness of Rajirra here, and Katia's response is just as natural as it could be :P
And welcome to the community, good to see I'm not the new one around here :)

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Glandziu: @AMKitsune: Saying 1 dragon is correct here.
Also, that was not intended at all, just ripped off some cat from a well-known webcomic and added a deadly dragon :P
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