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Dramatic Descriptions

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GreyAcumen: "True Justice is that lighty beacon of light in a world of prejudice and disorder, where not even the innocent are safe..."
fond memories: this was the scene that clinched my fandom for prequel. Complete and utter derailment of expectations.

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GreyAcumen: It's funny. I actually thought my: "lower hood to shroud visage and activate magic" idea was inventive, but that seems to be the way EVERYONE is going. Also, I'm seeing a trend towards "cover eyes to not be seen" which just makes me think Kaz is going to subvert the trend and make the "blindness" be something ridiculous, like the hood deliberately pulling itself down to block Katia's vision.

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GreyAcumen: Is now the time for waxing poetic?

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GreyAcumen: @Nefel: The way I view it, Grey is the name, that can also reer to the color, and the other is a color that also is sometimes used as a name. Also, I imagine grey to be a lighter shade and gray to be a darker shade. I know it really has more to do with American vs British spelling, but that's still the way I view it.

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GreyAcumen: No one ever said that the Cloak of Gray Tomorrow was actually gray. It's just a little innocuous is all. Though simple in design, the eye holes are conveniently sized for khajit ears to fit through when not active, but more importantly, the eye on the clasp provides a much needed visual (and tactile; important for the invisible) indicator for when time is about to run out.
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