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Haroldisgod: Awwww yeah, it’s back

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Haroldisgod: https://www.deviantart.com/miles-df/art/She-Did-837716300 This is original

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Haroldisgod: I’m pretty sure this is from something else

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Haroldisgod: In an alternate universe

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Haroldisgod: I think it’s something to do about her neighbor

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Haroldisgod: Okey

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Haroldisgod: Alternate universe 345: bandit leader Managan

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Haroldisgod: For my criticism, the top part of the hat looks 2-D like it’s missing a line, but other than that it looks fine

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Haroldisgod: Beautiful

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Haroldisgod: If mods delete this I wil have sad

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Haroldisgod: I like this art, but I will have to point out that sleeps’s hands don’t have nails, and are pointy at the end, rather than human hands
Like this https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1708#search=character%3ASleeps-Darkly

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Haroldisgod: What do tentacles taste like if you cook em?

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Haroldisgod: Hmm I think there’s something wrong with the first picture, it looks like part of a wagon is missing

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Haroldisgod: She kinda looks dressed up in imperial clothes

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Haroldisgod: Eh don’t worry, I think traffics just slow

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Haroldisgod: Dammit, the grammar and spelling errors are internally bugging me

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Haroldisgod: You know what I enjoy doing? Dropping a bunch of items so I’m not over encumbered on the ground and having my companion pick it all up because I can’t put it in a chest because it gets labeled as stolen so until I get that perk so I can sell anything to anybody, I just have to suck it

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Haroldisgod: @PermanentFace: wait is there a actual comic
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