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JaHannar: @2324millipedes: It is the same type of drawing style.

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JaHannar: This wasn't based on the Scp, but after checking it out, I do see the resemblance.

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JaHannar: Started this a while ago, but never finished. I forgot what I was even going to add, so here's the result of a long period of time without rest.

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JaHannar: How did you draw this so fast?

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JaHannar: I was laughing at first, but holy shit, great job! this definitely has a lot of potential.

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JaHannar: Where was this shoulder charge ability learned? Did the guard end up teaching her?

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JaHannar: You what?

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JaHannar: On xbox?

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JaHannar: @EKToRNo: it was used to cut the pineapple and to be honest, I don't know how this is still up

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JaHannar: I'm excited to start doing art stuff, I don't know how far it'll go, but heres my first. http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/ext/emoticons/default/hero.gif http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/ext/emoticons/default/booze.gif wait did I do the emoticons right? oh well.

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JaHannar: Is that me in the back, the whole last half of the stream I kept talking about how I wanted merch but I have no money and I need it for free.

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JaHannar: Yeah, the animation was better, but the file was so screwed up, I think I tried to run it in a game script to make it into an npc for oblivion. First and possibly last time I drink... Until next stream.

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JaHannar: I discovered last night that I made an animation after Kaz's stream, but for some reason the way I saved it could not be exported as a gif, so there is no animation. oh well.

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JaHannar: someone did it already? its been like... oh wait 12 hours is more than I thought.

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JaHannar: My first ever animation! I had a lot of fun with this, using the idea of my favorite Oblivion glitch.

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JaHannar: Any good programs for Mac users? I really want to make one.

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JaHannar: You guys wanted emojis, so here you go. I ramada the masterpiece
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