Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.

Dramatic Descriptions

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JarrelLurwin: Cute

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JarrelLurwin: Random shit I made

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JarrelLurwin: Looks nice

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JarrelLurwin: @SlashSeven: well if you put it that way, yeah...

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JarrelLurwin: *now

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JarrelLurwin: I feel bored, no I'll go drink water now.

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JarrelLurwin: Now this is true art

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JarrelLurwin: @Vinarto: it's just my first time, when I see some alot of ocs, I was like "maybe I should post mine", sorry my bad xD

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JarrelLurwin: I do NOT own the art style by right, all crefit goes to lord Kazerad, my favorite artist and story teller :3

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JarrelLurwin: Reminds me of a korean propaganda.. I don't know why

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JarrelLurwin: If she's the countess of kvatch the city will ho down to a sinkhole by her power (like Voldermort taking over Luther's throne)

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JarrelLurwin: This is my favorite collaboration of two of my favorite characters

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JarrelLurwin: @Rick2tails: if the orc was lucky, this guy wouldn't have a chance

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JarrelLurwin: @DOOMGUY11: thank you that you appreciate the look, I'll make sure to read yours or provide a link if possible :)

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JarrelLurwin: He stole some leather and weapons after picking a lock from a pitiful luck, and left Glenpoint for good, heading to Cyrodiil to restart his life

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JarrelLurwin: He was also acused for murder, and was paraded with some infamous criminals, and when he was in his cell before being executed he found a lockpick under his pillow

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JarrelLurwin: An our later, his 'parents' were assassinated from an assassin who was sent by he same person who killed his parents since they have a bad history together

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JarrelLurwin: He trained in a young age and became an expert swordsman of Glenpoint, he made friends rather than enemies... On an unfortunate night he discovered he was orphaned

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JarrelLurwin: Description: Jarrel is a dedicated swordsman eager to challenge any foe who stands in his way he was orphaned fron the Glenumbra Moors from a guard that found him.

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JarrelLurwin: Oooooooooooooooo! Who's the handsom devil Sigrid?

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JarrelLurwin: @DOOMGUY11: thank you!appreciate that you accepted my art and oc being here

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JarrelLurwin: Nervous since this is the first time uploading here

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JarrelLurwin: I mean nick (damn I'm drunk)

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JarrelLurwin: *rick

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JarrelLurwin: Family Tree? Nah just kidding, nice family you got there nick
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