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Dramatic Descriptions

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KingClaws: I do not think it is racist against khajiit to compare them to other humanoid felines. Khajiit are cat-people. But they aren't cats.

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KingClaws: I've seen more explicit pictures in childrens books.

Honestly the linked version should be allowed to be posted here.

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KingClaws: i can imagine this happening after... and also before backflips. many backflips

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KingClaws: completely excellent.

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KingClaws: Aside from the absent jawline/chin, and ears which reach down her neck, this is a solid drawing. 7/10

I love the blindness effect. I hope Kazerad uses something like it.

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KingClaws: @Skoon:
I pretty much fully agree with this post.

Not a weeaboo but you see this a lot in anime/manga. You get the baseline style, which is simple, but that allows for a lot of stylistic freedom when trying to emphasize certain emotions or scenes.

- Reply
KingClaws: needs sniffing tag. this is someone's fetish.
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