KuroNeko: The idea is interesting, seeing skyrim from Katia's point of view sounds nice.
But yeah, like you said, this neads proofreading, like REALLY.
English isn't my first language either but I can try reading your next chapters for you if you want and tell you if you made mistakes.
KuroNeko: @Zerorganic: Never! If anything, seeing how good it looks in digital, covinced me to buy quality pencils and work on my traditional art more.
KuroNeko: Instead of Mario 64 you should use it in Superman 64. Fly through oblivion gates to complete a level :p
But seriously, nice model, the one with bigger head looks rounder which fit more imo.
KuroNeko: Looking at your other work I see you're a Sigrid fan, well it could be worse, It could ne Rajirra :p
But seriously this look pretty nice. There's not many art of Sigrid.
@Zerorganic: Thank you, glad you like it :)
As for switching to digital, probably never XD I like traditional too much to switch completly to digital.
As you said, it opens a lot of possibilities but it feels so artificial to me, you don't get the same felling with a stylus on a screen. And with enough work what you can do in digital, you can do it in traditional.
@AMKitsune: Aw, glad you think so.
One day I'll reach that kind of level in traditional art https://www.deviantart.com/atmaflare/art/Astarte-Goddess-of-love-and-war-636151202
KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Thanks I'm really pround of that one, I did my best to make her as cute as possible and I think it might be one of my best work so far.
KuroNeko: Finally watched the video and damn, this looks so cool.
I love that calm remix of skyrim title theme.
Also, did you make that title screen art? Because it's great.
Amazing work, it's a shame there's not many prequel fangames.
KuroNeko: After posting some images of Maid-weave I wanted to draw one myself.
Here she borrows her maid's outfit from//www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/7105
I also drew a portrait of her //www.deviantart.com/kuronneko/art/Albino-Khajiit-maid-851093679?ga_submit_new=10%3A1596664898
Dramatic Descriptions
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She can't stop time though,
and her breasts are real- Reply
But yeah, like you said, this neads proofreading, like REALLY.
English isn't my first language either but I can try reading your next chapters for you if you want and tell you if you made mistakes.
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And that maid is just too adorable.
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If anything, seeing how good it looks in digital, covinced me to buy quality pencils and work on my traditional art more.
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Also I tried to color Quill digitaly to practice
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Princess failled the evil test so she was not allowed in the group photo
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I like doing requests.
@Zerorganic: Glad you like it
Also,Katia as enough hugs for everyone. You can share some
@lapma: It's always the season to be nice and give gifts.
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Best idea ever.
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But seriously, nice model, the one with bigger head looks rounder which fit more imo.
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But seriously this look pretty nice. There's not many art of Sigrid.
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Nice work, I was just thinking that this image deserved some colors, Katia is so happy here.
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Anyway, nice work, I like the outfit.
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Nice one XD
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Also https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3835#search=artist%3Akazerad%20character%3AQuill-Weave origin story?
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@Zerorganic: Thank you, glad you like it :)
As for switching to digital, probably never XD I like traditional too much to switch completly to digital.
As you said, it opens a lot of possibilities but it feels so artificial to me, you don't get the same felling with a stylus on a screen. And with enough work what you can do in digital, you can do it in traditional.
@AMKitsune: Aw, glad you think so.
One day I'll reach that kind of level in traditional art https://www.deviantart.com/atmaflare/art/Astarte-Goddess-of-love-and-war-636151202
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@lapma: Thanks :)
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Poor Kat though
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Also the art is pretty good.
That's a nice female dog. The one in the back is pretty cool too.
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Princess is all happy to be clean.
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@damrok4321: Glad you like it,I didn't came up with her but I'm pretty happy with how I gave her flesh.
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Also I like how her helmet is too small to fit her big head inside XD
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I love that calm remix of skyrim title theme.
Also, did you make that title screen art? Because it's great.
Amazing work, it's a shame there's not many prequel fangames.
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Nice to see you continuing that comic.
I'm looking forward for more.
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Here she borrows her maid's outfit from
I also drew a portrait of her
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Nice one
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I just assumed it was only the style (and they have a big chest for kids)