Mediocre_Scrublord: @tronn No it's because it's used as a suffix for literally any group of people on 4chan.
A lot of the time, people say drawfriends to be nice.
Mediocre_Scrublord: "And the thread crept on at an agonizing pace. Rather than discussion or content creation, it was kept alive through the will of its posters.
Taking turns bumping the thread, they hoped that through mindless tedium they could keep the thread around until the update, or at least until the drawfags returned.
Page 8, page 9 roll around once more. Once again the choice manifests itself. "Do we let it die? Is kaz never to return? With so little content, what point has a thread like this?" But then the time comes and one anon replies to an obtuse shitpost... and the thread springs back to life. The time rapidly approaches, and without anything to say we continue, keeping the thread alive for for no reason other than hope. Hope for the update to come."
"in this deserted wasteland of a thread hope is the last thing we have"
Mediocre_Scrublord: I think somebody commented on Cider's drawing having watermelon sized melons, someone then posted a picture of a cat attacking a watermelon, and a dude requested that someone draw katia wearing the watermelon hat. Which I did
Also, anon drew this
Mediocre_Scrublord: You have to kill BA. Admin powers is an inherited thing, like medieval kingship. You must kill the current admin before absorbing their admin powers, like fucking admin Macbeth
Mediocre_Scrublord: I don't think I've ever eaten an oreo the right way.
I mean, who has the TIME to chip away at the white substance, and I never have a glass of milk handy.
Mediocre_Scrublord: I remember the deal being that the saliva freezes, so in order to remove the tongue, you just gotta poor warm water on it or something
Dramatic Descriptions
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It was found on voldemort's blog.
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It's the motherfucking D-O-Double-G
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Nice tagging by the way.
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Have a look.
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I can't imagine the origami board being very aggressive, either.
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A lot of the time, people say drawfriends to be nice.
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Taking turns bumping the thread, they hoped that through mindless tedium they could keep the thread around until the update, or at least until the drawfags returned.
Page 8, page 9 roll around once more. Once again the choice manifests itself. "Do we let it die? Is kaz never to return? With so little content, what point has a thread like this?" But then the time comes and one anon replies to an obtuse shitpost... and the thread springs back to life. The time rapidly approaches, and without anything to say we continue, keeping the thread alive for for no reason other than hope. Hope for the update to come."
"in this deserted wasteland of a thread hope is the last thing we have"
Beautiful words.
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I forgot. It was some non-shirt cloth type object.
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I have to say, her boops look like massive boils.
Good other stuff though.
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Also, anon drew this
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I mean, who has the TIME to chip away at the white substance, and I never have a glass of milk handy.
So I eat them as whole, like a fucking barbarian.
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