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Dramatic Descriptions

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Nefel: http://38.media.tumblr.com/e3744717c07af5d175c7f9fb34dc545b/tumblr_n6g9wnU2Nd1tcz9qzo1_400.gif

try that link, should be right. That's the gif Plague based this image off

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Nefel: @Man_Of_Mer: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/972

He already rejected her in favour of us

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Nefel: Not that I am aware of

It's really kinda sad when Katia is probably the least messed up of the lot.

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Nefel: To see if it's true what they say about tongue sticking to cold metal

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Nefel: I figured she was doing a headless horseman thing for hallowe'en

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Nefel: Carry Kaz in Team Fortress

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Nefel: Well, Sigrid is alive in Oblivion so we know nothing lethal happens, accidental or otherwise

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Nefel: It's a joke. Someone made a comment that she doesn't have a tail, it's just one giant braid.

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Nefel: What are you, dense? Are you a retard or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Batmanagan

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Nefel: It costs 400,000 dollars to use telekinesis for 12 seconds

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Nefel: On the plus side the window doesn't look broken this time around

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Nefel: I like this. This is a good picture

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Nefel: @Kazerad: *polite clapping*

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Nefel: This is what happens when you achieve maximum luck

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Nefel: There is a second picture that goes along with this but I deemed it too sexy to post.

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Nefel: Katia with one of the "potions" from the previous picture.

Dunno if this is questionable.

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Nefel: Kazerad made Katia cookies

It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cat

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Nefel: Katia playing Dark Souls. Explains the tears

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Nefel: This one was made ages ago, I asked Kaz for "something happy"

I'm surprised it hadn't already been posted up here

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Nefel: Need more Katiabot

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Nefel: Oh wow, she found a dead dragon

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Nefel: Jesus christ this is fucking terrifying.

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Nefel: "sadistic subhuman watches happily as mudcrab viciously murders innocent top hat and cane"

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Nefel: Plague having a quick shot at imitating Kaz's style. I think it actually physically wounded him to use Graphics Gale

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Nefel: I know she needs to steal some stuff but going full Mission Impossible is a little overboard

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Nefel: 2 seconds later Katia becomes inexplicably terrified of that ant.

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Nefel: She probably looted it from one of the dead
You know how Katia is about looting

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Nefel: Because we all know with Katia's luck her entire squad would be killed and she'd be a POW in terrible conditions til the end of the war.

At least Kaz gives her moments of hope before he spins the Wheel of Bad Fortune

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Nefel: Yeah. The picture actually shows that the rubiks cube was a trap. As you can see at the top right, when she solves it, it explodes

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Nefel: He did, smelly.

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Nefel: I considered putting a questionable tag on it but decided against it. Paint underwear doesn't seem to merit questionable on it's own and the body drawn doesn't emphasize anything that would require it.

Artist chose to stay anon.

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Nefel: This is perfect. Thank you Ja

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Nefel: Probably use of the word 'tits', Ja

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Nefel: Use telekinesis, duh

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Nefel: ZizZle my nizZle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ1E_9ZncmQ

I apologise in advance

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Nefel: I can hear the music in my head

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Nefel: Must be an inferior American keyboard instead of a well made North Korean one. Serves you right.

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Nefel: This just makes me sad

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Nefel: Midriff maybe, KCid?

Above the belt, Medi. The little patch of fur between belt and jacket.

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Nefel: @Armael it worked

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Nefel: I really like it but that waist/hips is terrifyingly thin

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Nefel: But shit, it was 99 cents!

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Nefel: Just let him go, Medi. He's doing what he loves.

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Nefel: This was entirely needed. Thank you Based Skelly.

Now she just needs to freeze time and become a vampire

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Nefel: Settle down, Yug

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Nefel: It's too good to be stuck with the Fine_Art tag.

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Nefel: Katia is allergic to moonsugar though
This will not end well

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Nefel: I think tronn was making a joke about the Alot. It's a hyperbole and a half reference.

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Nefel: Holy Akatosh. I can't believe I didn't see that before.
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