Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.

Dramatic Descriptions

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NotGod: I haven't seen any DJ Katia art in this Booru that DeviantArt has.

Well. Or something.

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NotGod: Kinda... IsNoGood?

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NotGod: Mother fucker I just made a website

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NotGod: Guess fucking up solved the problem. She saved them from the horrors of life! (I could have done something less edgy but I can't actually, this is all I know)

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NotGod: dooM

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NotGod: oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

I.. Hurt myself today. To see if I still breath.

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NotGod: @PermanentFace: It is here so.. Maybe?

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NotGod: Still best edit 0/1000

"Ear Rape"

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NotGod: I agree. As I would guess it's an Asian artist that made this? It looks similar to the styles of other Asian artists I've seen.

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NotGod: Using Eye of Fear twice = Eye detonates

Using Eye of Fear in Soviet Russia = Eye shrinks out of existence

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NotGod: Or it might not work so I won't bother with it.

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NotGod: Don't know if I should release it here cause it barely have any relation to Prequel. Except for it looking like prequel or.. Not perhaps.

But maybe I can do that anyway cause I can call this character an OC and get away with it right? There's plenty of these guys that I have in mind so specifically this one that I just made can be released as an OC because there's a-lot of them. Or maybe I should show this character and see if it's tolerable. In "Them" and "This" are something I call Stitchies.

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NotGod: @Rick2tails 2002 Septiums

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NotGod: Oh well. Probably lucky for you if you don't like ear rape.

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NotGod: I actually didn't think about Dr Seuss when I did this. (Well some thought of it maybe was there) The real BIG reason was because of Gay Penis. (A YouTuber)

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NotGod: Best edit 0/100

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NotGod: @OgTariq: Where? I can't see it.

And why the fuck isn't she wearing a Dr Seuss hat anywhere?

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NotGod: This has been on my Nexus profile.

Hitler giving his speech to his soldiers. (Colorized)

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NotGod: Great! I'll keep this in mind. For now I'm about to make Stitchies. (Not related to Disney but more like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E2hkCsqUAw)

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NotGod: To be fair I would just stay the fuck away from 4chan. It could be because I'm not one of the 'special' ones but I can consider that a blessing cause for what's going on there.

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NotGod: I don't think I can continue with this. Not like this because it's too "Special" for me to work with. It also demanded great imagination.

I don't plan on continue with this but I've been thinking about if Chesha had a story of her own. Set on a 90's like Tamriel. It'll be much to work with (Lore, architecture, modern names for each province) and knowing myself, I might not make it till the end. I haven't gotten much of a strong drawing style. But if it's a good or even great idea to modernize Tamriel to the likes of the 90's then I can try.

Well I can't do it alone cause I never did something big alone. But thanks anyway.

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NotGod: What? It's just about Katia's Descendant who works at a mental hospital.

And thanks

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NotGod: This is some kind of Metropolis-like robo there.

The Dwemer must have been based of the one 1927 film I guess? Like that would be kinda cool.

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NotGod: I had fun here :3
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