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Dramatic Descriptions

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Odraode: No but thanks for asking
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Odraode: Her spine!!!!
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Odraode: Is he related to Bibi from Teen Titans? Or it's just me...?
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Odraode: I'm concerned about this
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Odraode: Katman rofl
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Odraode: I think the eyes shouldn't be so far away.. it creeps me out a little.
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Odraode: Plz readd the labels, they're hilarious a personal, and make your art more special.
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Odraode: That mouth... =-O Don't feel like you must draw every day, or it may become a burden, more than a passion. Draw ehen you feel like it, and take your time. Don't worry about anything else.
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Odraode: Pinocchio reference, why?
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Odraode: I usually draw worse :-|
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Odraode: The problem, I think, is that you have drawn the face frontally, and the body on profile, turned unnaturally. Sorry for my bad English, I hope you understand what I'm trying to express here.
In short, try drawing the body angled at 3/4. Cool blood effects tho.
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Odraode: Nice drawing!
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Odraode: 100% officinal names :-P
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Odraode: The head is the best part, no sarcasm. But that hand... =-O It's cool, you'll learn if you keep at it.
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Odraode: That's a pretry good start! Don't feel judjed, just have fun fanarting! :P
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