Serve your overlords. Submit images.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Prophet_Lord: Does this comic still exist anywhere?

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Prophet_Lord: I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at in relation to my piece here. But thanks for informing others I guess?
If you're having trouble viewing this due to it's size, there is the [Fit Both] option on the side menu under Image Controls.

This is at 300dpi. Perfectly suitable for a 10x10in (25.4x25.4cm) print. You could probably print even bigger than that, but that's going above the intended size, so quality will decrease. You'd need to go and use a professional level printer (which, I mean, 11x17in prints at office max are only like $1-2 I think). You'd have to trim the paper obviously.

I did this for fun and as style practice. This was never intended to be a poster or a wallpaper, I was simply stating that you could use it as such if you were so inclined.
If you'd like a different size (taller/wider/larger), you can always hire me. Until then, please enjoy this free piece of artwork I have provided for you.

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Prophet_Lord: @Adroma I've got some great news for you. This is the full size file uploaded here and you are fully able to print this out and hang it in your home as many times as you like.

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Prophet_Lord: I feel as if I'm missing out on some joke here

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Prophet_Lord: sorry, 10x10" 300dpi is the smallest I work in. I'm practicing some new things and I couldn't think of a better way then doing some Prequel art. fur is hard.

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Prophet_Lord: Of course this has to happen during finals week

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Prophet_Lord: Oh gods, now I can't not see her tail as part of her braid. This is beautiful.

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Prophet_Lord: Oh gods. I've been looking at this image in complete confusion since it was posted. Until a moment ago.

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Prophet_Lord: Blow it up billboard sized? Print it on the side of a building? Ironically turn it into a King-sized blanket? The possibilities are endless!

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Prophet_Lord: Don't tempt me. All my work is Vector based. I can literally resize it to any resolution.

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Prophet_Lord: You got a problem with the completely impractically and absurd resolution of my wallpapers?

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Prophet_Lord: Majestic

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Prophet_Lord: And a fantastic post it is too

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Prophet_Lord: Now this one, I really like. Big fan of the pose.

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Prophet_Lord: Am I at least in the top 10?

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Prophet_Lord: My favorite beast races were from Morrowind.

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Prophet_Lord: "Run that by me one more time..."

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Prophet_Lord: Quill doesn't have a tail.

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Prophet_Lord: This is beautiful for so many reasons

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Prophet_Lord: Maybe I'll submit it for the next one.

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Prophet_Lord: Ink on Paper

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Prophet_Lord: Yeah no. This was done by Dutch. He posted it in the command forums a while back (05-08-2013). It seems like everyone remade this panel.
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