DAEDRIC FUN TIP: The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two. Dramatic Descriptions October 16, 2017; 16:04 - Reply Quintus: As with most things, this can be improved with the addition of Irish music. https://gifsound.com/?gif=www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/_images/1079c145f2db6a6ebc9b7048734b8152.gif&v=f2GpH6Ep0hY&s=230 August 1, 2017; 15:39 - Reply Quintus: And then she broke her leg jumping from the second-story balcony to the ground floor, probably because there was no bale of hay. March 19, 2017; 13:21 - Reply Quintus: How's she doing that without the special shoes MJ used? March 11, 2016; 13:13 - Reply Quintus: Judy Hopps: Half the height of Katia Managan, nearly the size of a fox, small enough to be stomped by a rhino yet large enough to stomp rodents. Sizes are fun! August 5, 2015; 17:51 - Reply Quintus: Beware the dawn of the Metal Age December 4, 2013; 17:12 - Reply Quintus: I wish more composers would release .mid versions of their music. November 17, 2013; 17:15 - Reply Quintus: Katia, do not fire on any target marked by a strobe. Those are friendlies. November 13, 2013; 18:29 - Reply Quintus: I had dialogue in mind for someone introducing a gun to Katia for the first time. "It's like a magic device," said the trainer. "You point it at something, pull the trigger, and whatever's in front of you dies." "That's a powerful device," you said. "Does it work with Magicka?" "Yeah, something like that. You have to recharge its Magicka with these magazines—they're kind of like Magicka potions." "It can't generate its own Magicka?" "No, it can't." "So it's kind of like me." "Yeah, exactly like you." You have a feeling you and this gun will become best friends. I cut this dialogue when I realized they'd have an easier time explaining that a gun is like a small, loud crossbow. First | Prev | Random | Next | Last<< 1 >>
Dramatic Descriptions
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"It's like a magic device," said the trainer. "You point it at something, pull the trigger, and whatever's in front of you dies."
"That's a powerful device," you said. "Does it work with Magicka?"
"Yeah, something like that. You have to recharge its Magicka with these magazines—they're kind of like Magicka potions."
"It can't generate its own Magicka?"
"No, it can't."
"So it's kind of like me."
"Yeah, exactly like you."
You have a feeling you and this gun will become best friends.
I cut this dialogue when I realized they'd have an easier time explaining that a gun is like a small, loud crossbow.