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Dramatic Descriptions

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Quites: It's nice to see that someone picked up my work recently. I'm loving the results. Still having original files somewhere! Botched 3d due to some life reasons but slowly i'm going back with my artistic side. About textures: I used flat colors because of my logic, that if you add too much depth it's not going to look like Katia from comics. No matter what, I knew that you can't do both: maintain original Katia look and blend her with skyrim graphics but adding a bit of shade and depth like that definetly helps. Now, it's not popping that much because there is less of that vibrant yellow!

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Quites: From what i've seen race compatibility is avaiable on Xbox so when i'll add her to SE it can probably be run on that console.

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Quites: Hmm, that neck - body light diffrence makes me a little worried. Do you have this for a whole time?

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Quites: Thanks for info Kaz! Actually, when it comes to modifying her mouth its only a few moves in 3d program, but if you are going to touch mesh in places that are used by Face Flexes it needs to be applied to every emotion, so it's probably easier to make them by scratch again. I'll try to match mouth with your advise. :D

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Quites: I'm almost done. I think in comparison to previous version its looking much better. Few more tweaks and i'm uploading her on nexus soon.

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Quites: Thanks! About edits, https://s30.postimg.org/wc7fz7ngx/image.jpg this is how she looks now in game. The only edit that i came up with was to add her a detailed fur but it would take me a while to do it and i'm not even sure if its going to look good.

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Quites: Hi! I have discovered webcomic 2 weeks ago and decided to make mod about katia to skyrim with custom mesh. I want to check if you like my model . Mod should be ready "soon" .
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