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Rawrunes: yet another great Katia
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Rawrunes: that's a really good Katia
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Rawrunes: underrepresented character in art
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Rawrunes: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I do care about Katia, but not caring about her and/or drawing her in some shitty situation does not justify verbal assault.
Hurting someone without their consent /is/ wrong. However Katia is a fictional character in a fictional world. If she gets drawn getting brutalized there are no consequences except maybe you feeling somewhat saddened. Which is why it doesn't need justification -> it doesn't matter. However when you are calling filthypaladin a "disgusting cunt", you are insulting an actual living and sentient being. You may not like what he does, but that doesn't make him less of the aforementioned.
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Rawrunes: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: No, you personally attacking filthypally and calling for his shunning because he draws something you do not like is what I am talking about.
I do not like the fetish and I do not draw it, but when he draws it, it's no skin of my back. So there is no need justifying it.
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Rawrunes: maybe she is just the godmother
Also lol, calm down there captain puritan.
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Rawrunes: this was KAZ-OKed
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Rawrunes: jesus christ
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Rawrunes: @THE-RAGING-OVERLORD: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Rawrunes: @THE-RAGING-OVERLORD: Using software like Photoshop, Flash, Graphics Gale, maybe GIMP?
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Rawrunes: @THE-RAGING-OVERLORD: right from this post or from the png spritesheet in the first comment
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Rawrunes: Without regret, because of the no text rule: http://i.imgur.com/Wo8CL8n.png
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Rawrunes: I really like this one.
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Rawrunes: that obelix body is very nicely drawn
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Rawrunes: good god
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Rawrunes: have this http://i.imgur.com/ed3LTnR.gif
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