Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Rinrhajii: And heeellooooo DONNY!

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Rinrhajii: WHY IS THIS SO HIGH RES??? Like, I can see the graining on the paper and I'm like ??? Who the hell took this picture?? Fucking NASA??? Who's just OUT THERE with this 10 kagillion (totally a real number, look it up) mega-pixel camera taking pictures of sad lizards???

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Rinrhajii: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Sure it's been. She finished at the shop on July 30th, 2015. Unless you REALLY want to count the 7 image teaser we got 3 months later 'an update'. I don't.

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Rinrhajii: I meant to draw some fansnark of my own to upload on the 30th, but my short attention span got the better of me. Happy one-year anniversary of no prequel updates everybody!

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Rinrhajii: >Myspace fansgroup
This is art

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Rinrhajii: @Gren: I hate to be a wet blanket, but I hardly count the oct/31st update an 'update'. It was just a couple images to sate us since the last one was in JULY! (10 months ago)

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Rinrhajii: C-c-c-c-c-c-C-CH- CHAOS!?!? WHAT HERESY IS THIS!?!? By the Emperor, forgive them for they know not what they do...

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Rinrhajii: Mine arrived this morning! Due in no small part to my CHRONIC IMPATIENCE (As well as my fine speechcraft skills of course. (When I wrote that crafty email to Kaz involving cleaver use of bold and italic fonts to inform him of JUST HOW MUCH MORE DESERVING I AM THAN EVERYONE ELSE, that is.)) And I have to say, I too am impressed with the box. I'm sure I'll make good use of it in my efforts to box things. Also I was honestly expecting the scale tapestry to be bigger! Oh well, the comic gave me a good enough laugh to forgive it I suppose.

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Rinrhajii: Of course you'd start this when my tablet is broke and taunt me with mercandise I have no money for normally but also really want! D:<

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Rinrhajii: Attempted a Katia with a mouse since my tablet's borked. Sorry 'bout giving no fucks with the hood. (Not really sorry.)

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Rinrhajii: @OppoQuinn: I could try whipping one up, sure, but I'm not sure if I can post it here along with this one though.

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Rinrhajii: Also wow, I didn't expect to come back to this being FEATURED, I'm not quite sure how to respond to this!

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Rinrhajii: I did it again! Dammit! D:<

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Rinrhajii: @Kazerad: Ah, well thank you! I found it pretty funny too along with that brief moment of "Oh wait, shit, no!" that came with it. But in all seriousness, it probably should be removed for being too bad ass. I mean, riding a flying carpet that doesn't even have tassels? That's just a complete disregard for everything that's good and decent!

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Rinrhajii: I accidently reported the image while trying to search for something <_<
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