Skybolt06: (also you can now go check out the FiHP (this is how I abbreviate the name of this fanfic) pool in the pool section, took a while to get things working properly, and ended up having to start over, but other than that it wasn't too difficult to set up, thanks for that suggestion! (still feel like a dumbass about that comment, also all we need is a vodka emote and we're set)
Skybolt06: Hey, my longest chapter yet (six pages in the doc) and also the most planned, only questionable because of the end, and the title came naturally, the reunions were Turgenev and Rajirra, Josh and Kat, and Kat and her old self, and fun fact the Alexanur thing at the end was actually a typo that I chose to keep, because it made things funnier, took about two hours to write this, hope you enjoyed!
Skybolt06: @GrizzlyBear: Ah but that is the magic of technology, you still can! (tbh I would really love to see that, and am all for it, you don't have to do it if you don't want, but you yourself said it was a cool idea, and the world is full of possibilities!)
Skybolt06: @GrizzlyBear: Thanks for the help, I'll check it out, and also yeah, being 14 and writing this is pretty normal (because I've done stuff like this before finding prequel, just never showed anyone on the internet) but being appreciated for my work makes me feel like a badass, if it weren't for you guys I probably would've given up by now, Thanks so much for all of your support!
Skybolt06: Um... being a writer you'd think I'd know what a "pool" is but sadly, I'm only 14 and have somehow magically skipped a grade in math and moved to algebra one, but language and definitions aren't necessarily my strong point, cause as _Noxygen suggested, I could use more descriptive words, which I have been trying in the next chapter, (which has worked really well btw) but if you could explain to me what type of organization this is, I'd be happy to make things... easier to find? Anyway, yeah, I would like to do that
Skybolt06: @KuroNeko: Glad you liked that, I like to secretly reference things all the time so, if you caught the reference, congrats you have had a childhood, (in my book anyway) and if you don't get it, Do you even little rascals bro?
Skybolt06: Yessss, I love this reference, Charley Brown was a huge part of my childhood, all we need now is Kat with an old blanket waiting in a pumpkin patch for an Asotil shaped pumpkin to sprout from the ground, also, art is like Gandalf, it's never late, cause half the time you're changing it to make it better (I know from personal experience, and also I'm reading the Hobbit, again, so I couldn't help but make that connection)
Skybolt06: @Zargothrax: Lmao, I wouldn't have that be the way she blew her cover if she did anyway, because she could, or she couldn't who really knows? I guess you'll just have to find out huh
Skybolt06: Maid: "give her back, she's mine!"
Kat: "I met her first!"
Maid: "I'm a better person!"
Kat: "Well I'm a better friend!"
Both: *stop yelling for one second and stare at Quill menacingly*
Both: "Which is better, you have to make a choice"
Quill: "But what if I don't want to make a choice!?"
Both: *chanting choose or die while closing in with sharp claws and flames*
Quill: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" *wakes from horrible dream* "what is wrong with me!?"
Nice job also I'm a writer so yes, I did have to make this dialogue
Skybolt06: Hey look, another small chapter, (yeah sorry about that) But hey, this is the most planned part of my fanfiction here, so... shit's about to go down (for real this time, in the next few chapters) so, yeah. um... hope you enjoy this, and I just want to say, thanks for staying, and also, criticism is always appreciated, cause it helps me get better at what I plan to do for a while (Oh yeah baby, there's already a planned sequel, if anyone would want that, or possibly a prequel (pun intended) of what happened with Quill, but that's less planned) but yeah, this chapter is the first chapter I realized that there was no "fanfiction" tag on so, I'm gonna have to go back and change that on all the others but yeah, see y'all in the next chapter, and again, hope you enjoy! (I think this is the longest description so far too!)
Skybolt06: I think I'm one of the only one that actually gets the CHIM reference, unless you're not referencing the one fanfiction someone made, that Kaz read on stream like three years ago, also yeah, I'm that new to the community, so I started watching old Kaz streams, not too interesting tbh, but there were some damn funny parts
Skybolt06: @Zargothrax: YESSSSS, the best name of all time, how many versions now? like 4?
Kat Managan, Bakia Breadagan, Batia Managan, Thiccia Assagan, as well as the sluttly meatsack thing
Skybolt06: Hey, I'm ok with OC's, I actually have a few of my own, (not that I could draw, because a literally can't draw) but I like the way he looks, and I think you did a good job
Skybolt06: I like, but also despise this, it's great, yet cursed, should I bleach one eye and then leave the other? (I need help, this is like the fifth time I've bleached one or more of my eyes, it's a problem)
Also yeah, Rajirra's appearance was bound to happen, but don't worry, the names won't be confused too much, I'll always call Katia Katia, but whenever Turgenev addresses to her, he will call her Rajirra, everyone else will also call her Katia, and in case you were wondering, Foles never called her Kuznetsov, he just described where Rajirra was going before they captured her
Skybolt06: Surprise! I'm not dead, in case you were wondering, just extremely busy. I didn't have much time last week to write any more, so I decided to work on it a bit over the weekend, and finish it today. So here's the next part, hope you enjoy!
Skybolt06: wow, a whole other viewer was here the whole time! um... well, glad you like it, I'm working on the next chapter right now actually but decided to see what was commented, I'm on fall break right now too, so I'm going to have a lot more time to write, and it's all about to get interesting too!
Skybolt06: well let's just say I should stick to writing, because I just wasted an entire two hours of my life trying to remake this katia picture... I suck
Skybolt06: oh also, thanks to whoever added new tags, haven't looked at this for a while, but I now have a strange inspiration to try drawing again, so I might get that on the booru soon
Dramatic Descriptions
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(actually I just read your comment on something the confused kat from 9 mimutes ago, lol)
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Good work!
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Kat: "I met her first!"
Maid: "I'm a better person!"
Kat: "Well I'm a better friend!"
Both: *stop yelling for one second and stare at Quill menacingly*
Both: "Which is better, you have to make a choice"
Quill: "But what if I don't want to make a choice!?"
Both: *chanting choose or die while closing in with sharp claws and flames*
Quill: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" *wakes from horrible dream* "what is wrong with me!?"
Nice job
also I'm a writer so yes, I did have to make this dialogue
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Really great art, and awesome detail
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I approve, nice job
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Nice art tho
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It's the new baymax guys
Nice art!
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Kat Managan, Bakia Breadagan, Batia Managan, Thiccia Assagan, as well as the sluttly meatsack thing
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Also yeah, Rajirra's appearance was bound to happen, but don't worry, the names won't be confused too much, I'll always call Katia Katia, but whenever Turgenev addresses to her, he will call her Rajirra, everyone else will also call her Katia, and in case you were wondering, Foles never called her Kuznetsov, he just described where Rajirra was going before they captured her
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actually wanted to say that for a while
anyway, hope y'all enjoy! (even though this one was kinda short)
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nice meme/art
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Nice art!
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