Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Stankloid: @Baz1S: You couldn't, but you reminded me to go do that, so you can now. Every character (except Dorain, because the way his sprites work are different for some reason) should have a Katia skin you can turn on in the options menu now.
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Stankloid: I made a mod for Crypt of the Necrodancer that makes a lil' pixel art Katia with fire spells a playable character.
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Stankloid: Wouldn't it be funny if the one time she does the yoyo trick on screen is while she's invisible?
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Stankloid: Taxes in Cyrodiil seem terrifying. You're off by one cent, the Imperial guards appear in your door and start shooting at you within seconds.
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Stankloid: I guess it makes sense she'd be a Redguard. Hammerfell represent!
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Stankloid: Who on earth would bet on a human over a khajiit in a game focusing on balance and dexterity? You made a bad call, Weedum.
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Stankloid: How am I supposed to color my favorite Prequel character when Aggy isn't even on the page?
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Stankloid: Katia has a weapon she is not in the least bit qualified to use, and is a danger to herself and those around her.
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Stankloid: Mishown com-preet!
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Stankloid: With Katia's luck whenever she tries to do something cool, there's a chance that's lightsaber's not actually behind her head...
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Stankloid: That pie must have somehow had alcohol in it.
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Stankloid: One day her madness finally reaches its peak and she goes through with it. She crumples limply with a grunt, there's a faint clanking as she drops her machete to the ground. Faintly in the distance she almost thinks she hears a few notes of a sad song, she's not even sure it's real. and as everything fades to black a tears down her face, which is smiling with relief. There's a sudden jolt. She looks around in shock which quickly turns to horror. She finds herself standing in the doorway of a building she entered not too long ago, as if nothing had ever happened.
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Stankloid: This is Katia Managan and Rajirra. Katia is the cat on the left with the arena armor and the stupid expression. Rajirra is the one on the right with the vest and the long hair. Remember that now.
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Stankloid: Come on Kaz, you can do it before the one year mark, I believe in you!
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Stankloid: Hopefully this doesn't turn into a Carrie scenario with someone dumping a bucket of Hist sap onto her.
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Stankloid: @Toryu-Mau: After you've died several times no one wants to insure you for anything, such bull.
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Stankloid: You still don't have a big wizard beard, so no!
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Stankloid: If you can't see me do it, it's not illegal!
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Stankloid: It's Meow's hat from Space Dandy, I believe.
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Stankloid: @ColonBAg: I just used Photoshop, which I'm not entirely sure I can recommend because it doesn't seem very built for animation, but it's got a rough animation tool to it.
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Stankloid: Also, I see now this is pretty similar to the last entry, but I swear I started working on this a few days ago and didn't see the other until I went to post it.
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Stankloid: I guess it was just his imagination.
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Stankloid: >Realize you are but a figment of a dream of a sleeping godhead
>Achieve CHIM and ascend to godhood like Talos long ago
>Make it so the letters were already delivered yesterday
>Get worship of you banned by the Imperials
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Stankloid: He'd probably like Tamriel, where no one values human life in the slightest and you'll get killed by the guards for picking up a spoon.
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Stankloid: Velma: Be sure to be careful with your glasses, if you drop them here you'll probably soon starve to death crawling helplessly around the wilderness in search.
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Stankloid: @OppoQuinn: I mean the Quill is modified from a Prequel update, but the Alphys is mine.
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Stankloid: @Tahrey: I just modified both of them from the first image of this update because I'm lazy. Sorry Kaz! http://www.prequeladventure.com/2014/09/3563/
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Stankloid: In case it wasn't clear I was going for "all khajiit look the same" joke on this trope: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpotTheImposter
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Stankloid: So if the pony equivalent of a khajiit is a zebra, what would the others be? Griffin for orcs, earth ponies for redguards, yaks for nords, pegasi imperials, unicorn bretons, alicorn elves...
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Stankloid: Sleeps-Darkly needs to let it go.
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Stankloid: Fig. 3: Why intimacy with Khajiits is both ill-advised and terrifying.
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Stankloid: Katia exhibits blatant disregard for the law.
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