Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Tam_Lin: For those of you not in the know, this is in reference to a recent 4chan thread that was spammed to oblivion with google-translated greek and someone dumping 4chan banners. These threads were always in dispute, with people attempting to derail them with gore and/or fetish fodder but they have never been outright bombarded with spam.

Also is no one going to point out that The Doctors is capitalized?
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Tam_Lin: @Makkon: Never thought of it this way. I guess I mistook his lack of protest as permission to pick on him. He always struck me as the type who values unbridled honesty over social niceties but I see now that's not a reason to abandon manners altogether. Honest bullying is still bullying after all... I admit I have stepped out of line and apologize for any hurt feelings I might have caused.
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Tam_Lin: @Streetwind: That is very kind of you to say! Now I'm glad I put in the effort, thank you so much for noticing :)
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Tam_Lin: @Makkon: The thing about Kazerad is he's the thickest-skin webcomic author I know. He can take the lazer-focus unfiltered hatred of 4chan and not even flinch. He does not only welcome snark but encourage it; on multiple occassions he has jumped to the defense of those that would speak ill of him. In all the years I've been a fan of this comic I have never seen anything get to him. He's the comic Jesus.
I don't know if you're privy to some insider intel here but so far Kazerad has never communicated anything about snark/hate getting to him. Maybe that's just a tough front he's putting up and him telling people to stop would invite even more hate but so far there has been no indication that we're stepping over some boundaries he doesn't want us to step over.
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Tam_Lin: >Geralt: Extrapolate
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