Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Terence_Fletcher: @Kazerad: That is actually my main(and only) problem but you shouldn't ague about that you know!
"PC is the ultimate and fundamental law that defines the very essence of 21st century first world society."
-Nelson Mandela
But waifus? While I personally identify myself as a straight man without a waifu, and person who thinks it's perfectly fine to have a waifu, or even to claim a certain character, at the same time I think it is perfectly fine for someone to argue about other's long-term wish fulfillment fantasies (whatever that is), while they shouldn't. Hehe.

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Terence_Fletcher: @Triskelion: Why wouldn't you say hi to me?!?! I'm seriously triggered...

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Terence_Fletcher: @Enheldor: But I think it is their choice to post that kinds of comments or not, since it's not violating the rules or anything, just like the work's uploader, isn't it?

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Terence_Fletcher: Strangely amusing to watch hehe

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Terence_Fletcher: @Enheldor: I'm new here so I have no idea about the stances of individual members. But yeah that attitude may be problematic, if you are telling the truth, but that kind of problem should be discussed with admins (kazerad, AMKitsune, grape, etc?), not me ㅠ-ㅠ.

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Terence_Fletcher: @damrok4321: Why don't you imagine yourself reacting to the same situation? Mencius advices you directly from china, roughly 2300 years ago.

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Terence_Fletcher: Hi everyone plz say hi to me i need attention thanks have a nice day xoxo

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Terence_Fletcher: Lol why is everybody caring so much. Anybody can post whatever he wants if it fits the rules(and admins' tastes maybe? I...I mean of course you can't just post a picture of katia telling people to join ISIS even if it fits the rules you know!). The only person who should care about this post is actually the poster himself(or herself) since no matter if this is right regulation-wise or not, the emotions that people feel while looking at the work will eventually lean towards the drawer of the work.

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Terence_Fletcher: @MetalC0Mmander: I'm not a scientist, but I learned biology as a general course. And since my mother has master's degree in biology I had some chance to learn bits of biology back when I was younger. So i guess it's not the shittiest maybe?

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Terence_Fletcher: @Petrified_Yo-yo: It's CS, probably Global Offensive. Or were you joking about the P90?

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Terence_Fletcher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErvgV4P6Fzc

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Terence_Fletcher: PATIENCE!

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Terence_Fletcher: @Kazerad: Hi are you real Kazerad? I wanted to ask this question to AMKitsune but since you are here I'll ask it to you. Why is there no official community(like a forum)? And I think you said in the comments that people should not make arbitrary 'official community' to confuse new guys(like me). Then can I consider this website as a official Prequel community?

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Terence_Fletcher: @AMKitsune: Yeah ikr XD. Talking about explaining magic in a scientific way (which is pretty useless), my favorite way of doing so is represented in the game 'Endless Legend' of Endless series. In the game, the 'magic' people (and many other races) use is actually done by nano machines(which are called simply 'dust') made by ancient space-faring civilization. Just like sir Clarke once said, " Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."!(<-I had to look up for that exact sentence lol) Maybe it's more like a 'science fictional' explanation(explaining unknown with unknown?) than actual 'scientific' explanation. Idk

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Terence_Fletcher: @AMKitsune: Yeah, I mean, even the researchers of genetics don't know how exactly aging works, and ES lore(ex:magic) is completely imaginary. On top of that, we are non-experts who are adding imagination over already-imaginary-enough lore lol. But, talking about your idea, as far as i know, the method of 'reversing' DNA(to be specific, telomere) to its younger state(for rejuvenation) is actually being researched by scientists but there are some concerns about it since that reversing the DNA could be directly connected to causing cancer. I'm pretty sure that you already knew about this since you mentioned 'degradation', but yeah. I just wanted to talk about my thoughts:P. Ah, one last thing. Imo 'mature' bodily processes woudln't stop even when the DNA is reversed because things like that is not governed by aging of DNA itself.

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Terence_Fletcher: @AMKitsune: Can't you just simply "capture" the DNA of a guy aged like 20 or so?

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Terence_Fletcher: She painted her ears and tail in order to be stealthy.

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Terence_Fletcher: Blades agent Katia Managan. Tried to draw with asian styles, but my brush-marker was out of ink so I used ordinary marker and failed horribly as you can see DX. I hate the distortion my camera makes. Thanks Enheldor for helping me with tagging.

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Terence_Fletcher: *'adding tags' is

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Terence_Fletcher: Hello, everyone! I found this comic about 2 weeks ago and decided to draw some fanarts after I finished it.
This is unfinished. Will add some color later while polishing Quill-weave a little bit. It's 11 P.M. in Korea, so i want to play some CS:GO before going to bed. Please add some tags if you don't bother(I'm new to this kind of website and 'adding tags' are not common thing in Korean websites. Sorry!).

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Terence_Fletcher: "Now answer my question, kitty. Were you rushing, or were you dragging? Answer!!!
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