Thebaconator3: @CaptainLackwit: The problem with planting in the ground during idle is that she might be stabbing a stone floor, not the best for the longevity of one's spear heads.
Thebaconator3: I am currently in the process of writing the code. As for where you should go to look at it, I'll probably setup a Github when it's presentable.
Thebaconator3: Question for the webmaster whoever that may be:
For crossover images would it be possible for the tag to be more descriptive similar to the artist tag? For example this would be crossover:darkest_dungeon. Is there a reason why you shouldn't do this or is it just that no one has bothered changing it.
Thebaconator3: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Really, cause it looks like there is pair of Panzer Kampfwagen III A Ausführung F. I find your claims of their nonexistence to be highly dubious.
Thebaconator3: Nice KSP thing.
as another kerbonought what mod do you use to color the parts. Also we need to have a gharug spaceship come and obliterate this thing with BDarmory
Dramatic Descriptions
Also nice drawing of a cat women thing.
On an unrelated note TAG TEST!
HTML: <u>Underline</u> <b>Bold</b> <i>Italics</i>
"HTML w/ square brackets": Underline Bold Italics
Skype Notation: Skype Doesn't have underline *Bold* _Italics_
For crossover images would it be possible for the tag to be more descriptive similar to the artist tag? For example this would be crossover:darkest_dungeon. Is there a reason why you shouldn't do this or is it just that no one has bothered changing it.
as another kerbonought what mod do you use to color the parts. Also we need to have a gharug spaceship come and obliterate this thing with BDarmory