Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Thebaconator3: Where did Katia acquire an Imperial chainsword?
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Thebaconator3: RIPIP Katia and Enchantmen, ded by spoopiness.
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Thebaconator3: Tyranids!? This vile xenos scum most be purified!
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Thebaconator3: Kat.a
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Thebaconator3: @Riddle78: Once it is done all will be able to play.
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Thebaconator3: @Kazerad: If only there was someone who could fix this.
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Thebaconator3: @CaptainLackwit: The problem with planting in the ground during idle is that she might be stabbing a stone floor, not the best for the longevity of one's spear heads.
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Thebaconator3: Congrats on being the three thousandth picture uploaded. Hooray for milestones that only make sense in base 10.

Also nice drawing of a cat women thing.
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Thebaconator3: We're being beaten by a stick :/
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Thebaconator3: I am currently in the process of writing the code. As for where you should go to look at it, I'll probably setup a Github when it's presentable.
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Thebaconator3: If anything they are the witch.
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Thebaconator3: King tiger?
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Thebaconator3: I have finally found someone whose hand writing is as bad as mine.

On an unrelated note TAG TEST!
HTML: <u>Underline</u> <b>Bold</b> <i>Italics</i>
"HTML w/ square brackets": Underline Bold Italics
Skype Notation: Skype Doesn't have underline *Bold* _Italics_
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Thebaconator3: Question for the webmaster whoever that may be:
For crossover images would it be possible for the tag to be more descriptive similar to the artist tag? For example this would be crossover:darkest_dungeon. Is there a reason why you shouldn't do this or is it just that no one has bothered changing it.
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Thebaconator3: @BadReligion: Actually I think what you're looking at is the muzzle and foresight of an assault rifle.
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Thebaconator3: well at least one of us has had time to work on the game.
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Thebaconator3: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Really, cause it looks like there is pair of Panzer Kampfwagen III A Ausführung F. I find your claims of their nonexistence to be highly dubious.
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Thebaconator3: I could have a look at kerbpainter and try to fix it. Not making any promises though
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Thebaconator3: Nice KSP thing.
as another kerbonought what mod do you use to color the parts. Also we need to have a gharug spaceship come and obliterate this thing with BDarmory
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Thebaconator3: @Strawberry-Jamasaur: Yeah the same thing is true for most of my projects art, programs, or other wise.
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Thebaconator3: Like AMK I really look forward to seeing this with color.
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