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TrashPanda545: @CamTheBossX12: Nah homie, It was supposed to be quarter plate

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TrashPanda545: Can't wait for the the next movie poster you do, I really like them!

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TrashPanda545: @Balderdash: Aye, I see. Well I won't change this drawing but I will keep this in mind for future drawings and thank you for your input.

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TrashPanda545: This is very interesting, can't stop looking

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TrashPanda545: Love the Half track, used to be in the vehicle scene but kinda faded out. I'd like to see more vehicular situations from youm

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: Thanks, I may or may not go under for a bit, I'm just not feeling the drawing magic for now

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: because I felt like it, and I haven't put out traditional content for some time

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TrashPanda545: @Caniption: I would love advice on the head to make it better

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TrashPanda545: I was planning on uploading the version with nips but I skipped out on the last Second

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TrashPanda545: Ya'll have a ring of OCs or something?

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TrashPanda545: Don't feel too bad about it, I have trouble with an AR platform rifle of any kind, let's all have fun with art, but J cannot tell you enough how important Toryu's advice is, I have been drawing for a long time but only recently I have been trying to take it seriously.

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TrashPanda545: Oy, I gotta keep up with all of yous. Thanks for being an inspiration conduit thingy for ds.

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TrashPanda545: @SaintDumos: dude, I'm still trying to figure out how to approach this concept.

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: Lmao, trust me.. my traditional art would look pretty good

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TrashPanda545: Noice, I didn't know you draw actually, nor did I know thee had an OC. Cool story 'bout the scar as well, you're my favorite round these part because you're the only one whom reads this stuff.

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TrashPanda545: Omg, explore this theme more because I want to see your progress through time.

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: Huh, must've skipped a couple of notches
"AHAHAHAHA! He Just Revealed your deepest darkest secret!"

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TrashPanda545: Another suggestion from you the viewers and I think you know who ya are. I think I will mess round with other Ideas and suggestions for now.

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TrashPanda545: @Toryu-Mau: Nah, just ain't used to the digital arts yet so it all looks so weird, it was supposed to be a AK-74m. I'll probably redue it someday to prove I was messing round with the medium.

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TrashPanda545: No joke, fucking badass. Really loving the rear guns and gunner, have been a fan of guns on aerial vehicles. This is really good and you should be proud of yourself and to you DG, I wish you the best of luck, keep your head out there.

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: I will try out the Idea but this I will mess around with for some considerable amount of time.

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: Alright, I'll see if I can even pull off sexy Khajiits on digital, if not then I will go back to traditional. Don't worry about money for I know what a suggestion or Requests are, they are free so I'll probably do the Katia Preador suit idea for next time.

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TrashPanda545: Another colored sketch of Katia inspired by Dank Souls because I'm addicted to it. Any suggestions or Requests you can leave in the comments.

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TrashPanda545: @DOOMGUY11: I can do better, I know that I can because I haven't even put a lot of effort forth. I also noticed the trend spike recently as well.

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TrashPanda545: Made an ultra fast sketch looking thing, could look better. I'm always looking for suggestions and or Requests.

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TrashPanda545: @Doprolol: Очень приятно и спасибо, Допролол. Я немного говорят по русской

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TrashPanda545: Thank you Lord Vader

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TrashPanda545: Anyhow it’s a request I hadn’t gotten around to for awhile
Requested by the one and only Darth Vader

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TrashPanda545: Very nice indeed! Love the eyes

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TrashPanda545: @DarthVader: Surely My Lord, it shall be done.
*I’m taking this as a request*

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TrashPanda545: Oh yeah, eating out of a Can is good. I like!

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TrashPanda545: Smexy Stal Helm

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TrashPanda545: Amazing eyes

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TrashPanda545: Why wasn’t this the beginning?

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TrashPanda545: This’ll teach’em
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