Add value to mortals' feeble lives. Tag artists with "artist:(artist name)"

Dramatic Descriptions

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XenoYparxi: I hope that's what Kaz's doing

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XenoYparxi: Nice style

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XenoYparxi: It's just a beginning

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XenoYparxi: If there was a prequel's discord channel this would be the first emoticon to add

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XenoYparxi: @Pronin: Well, it's a good picture >_>

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XenoYparxi: Anatomy has gone wrong But I really like the image

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XenoYparxi: @CyVoltage: You're a quick one

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XenoYparxi: Why did you cut off her head and put it on a spear? :(

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XenoYparxi: I wonder what kaz thinks about this kind of fan art

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XenoYparxi: Even I didn't fully understand the sentenses, even when Russian is my main language This is very slangy I'd say

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XenoYparxi: If Kaz is going to translate the comic into russian... well... good luck then Russian is pretty hard for non-slavic/baltic speakers. I don't care though, I read the original one

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XenoYparxi: Her leg is probably broken after that

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XenoYparxi: Really nice colors

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XenoYparxi: Doesn't seem like prequel related What's this character?

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XenoYparxi: @Dugar: Neural networks, son

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XenoYparxi: Hi,mammals

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XenoYparxi: Hi, guys

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XenoYparxi: @Geravind: Читай внимательней первое сообщение

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XenoYparxi said:

If I had edit button!

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XenoYparxi: They're not quite similiar to each other... or that's just another Kaz's way to draw Quill?

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XenoYparxi: Рендеринг очень классный

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XenoYparxi: @Geravind: А надо бы покритиковать. Впрочем, я и сам себя критикую уже после того, как выкладываю... надо с этим завязывать. Ну а про "все время" это я про себя... а про вытянутость форм... есть немного. Скажем, что это стиль, который я более менее для себя выработал и который мне более менее нравится. Разве что шеи у меня порой слишком длинные получаются, придется повнимательней находить баланс, так-что спасибо за совет

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XenoYparxi: @Geravind: Я тебя так понимаю. Все время то голова слишком большая, то шея слишком толстая (лично у меня еще проблемы с длиной шеи). В семи-реалистик стиле от этого не уйдешь, в более мультяшных стилях это не так важно, как ты и сказал(а?)
(Sorry english speakers )

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XenoYparxi: Also, I think tags are really missing...

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XenoYparxi: @bluedraggy: Don't even say words like these

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XenoYparxi: Was sketching a bit

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XenoYparxi: @Rick2tails: She'll probably eat both of them while you'll be getting the flatwares

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XenoYparxi: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: That's why she's concerned

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XenoYparxi: @Enheldor: There're some grammatical constructions that google can't translate them normally

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XenoYparxi: @Radian: Какие кисти для шерсти используешь?

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So there's other four members

And why there's no edit button... *there're

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XenoYparxi: I didn't really wanted to upload this here, but then I thought "eehh, why not" and here it is. So there's other four members of the band to go (and to color them)

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XenoYparxi: @Geravind: Все равно "мышцы с пушистостью" тоже как-то не очень
А вообще, побольше бы тут таких критиков, как ты, благое дело делаешь

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XenoYparxi: I'd say this is very casually underdressed

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XenoYparxi: @Dugar:
He's probably a producer

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XenoYparxi: I think you should start from drawing from nature (just a simple figures, like cup or something) to better understand the forms and other stuff. I think it would be helpful for you

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XenoYparxi: The shading is nice, but the shadow on the neck is too bright (if this is the atmosphere color then all most darkest spots should be about the same color)

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XenoYparxi: A little teaser of what i'm doing and going to do in the future

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XenoYparxi: If this is lead guitar then Katia plays on a bass guitar?

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XenoYparxi: @Bluedragon:
That's blues rock then!
(I don't quite sure if this is blues rock, but it sounds a bit like blues rock)

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XenoYparxi: So we have typical rock band with a sax player... interesting combination

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XenoYparxi: @CoCoNO:
Well, there will be not enough space for a brain then... I don't think that khajiits would be an intelligent beings with a such small brain, so that forehead size is a golden mean for this style

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XenoYparxi: Well that's awesome

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XenoYparxi: Very nice drawing

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XenoYparxi: A cat is fine too

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XenoYparxi: Yeauuuuh another human like half-naked christmas (why not?) cat

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XenoYparxi: Because we're about to take the whole world

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XenoYparxi: А еще руки чуть коротковаты
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