Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Zeroranic: i dont think it will get many. But i hope the people who will download it will like it. That is what counts

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Zeroranic: Also here is the final version of her base robe. Didnt work on the upgrades yet. And trust me... this hood was such a pain to make. I hope you dont notice the problem. I see it and i hate it because i cant fix it

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Zeroranic: God she is cute ! I just wonder what she is doing

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Zeroranic: Thanks for all your kind words! I really hope you will like the end result. Its my first skyrim mod so i had to learn everything first. And lets just say..... there were many problems i did encounter which took a lot time to fix. But i still hope you can look at that what i have finished so far and see the love and care i put into this things

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Zeroranic: the first update of her armor adds, as you can see, a few more plates for protection to her arms and legs. It also gives her a little pocket which increases the weight you can carry by 10 or 20... dunno

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Zeroranic: im creating a skyrim mod that brings katias armor and clothes into the game. You can also upgrade those armor and clothe sets to increase their stats and looks so you can use them even at later points in the game. This would be the first updated version.

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Zeroranic: Tbh i think most of us are furrys. Or at least think anthro animals are cool and look ,,cute''

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Zeroranic: @Rick why not?

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Zeroranic: and thank you for your kind words everybody ! :3

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Zeroranic: tbh i think about reaslising my rework of this model togheter wth her robe... but i dunno

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Zeroranic: there are so many drawings of katia and quill only wearing underwear xd..... im still thinking about drawing something like this too... like katia being tied up or something. Dont want to draw nude stuff.

But ye... i really like the shading. its simple and smooth. I do also think your body proportions are improving. But maybe you should draw her.... ear things a bit larger

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Zeroranic: i know you wasnt complaining. I just wanted to write this. I also feel kinda bad for the guy who made this model. Feels like im the only one who likes it... and i still had to rework all his textures because they were meh... sad

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Zeroranic: Nice idea ! I like it! But i noticed the clippy pose only after reading your comment. I dunno.... maybe make the lower half more present and shorten the upper half ? i think you can see it more if its a 50 50 balance

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Zeroranic: @KuroNeko its so frustrating to hear that all the time XD. I Had a long discussion on discord in terms of this katia model. Many did send pictures of 3d models they do like more than this one. And every single one did just look like a generic yellow cat. I see why you say she doesent really fit into the world of skyrim.. and yes you are right. But id prefer this look over everything else. Because of a simple thing: in my opinion katias design might be effective but its fucking simple. Because ot the simplicity its hard to see katia in a model or a drawing, that has a completly different art style and doesn't give her her iconic clothes. If its too different, its not katia. its just a yellow cat. For me its important that you can recognize her. Thats why id always choose this model over a more realistic one

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Zeroranic: im close to finish her sweet robe...i waste too muc time on this stuff

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Zeroranic: i like it! She looks really cute... and sad. But i dont think katia is that thicc. I mean.. i would say she is is rather stick thin. But maybe thats just my interpretation

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Zeroranic: oh and thanks tabby ^^. I do highly appreciate it

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Zeroranic: I have no idea why this Pet-Pig is even a think but i like it ^^. Good artwork:3

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Zeroranic: @Ugrenlurf Tank you ^^. And yes.. i will definitely draw more Katia/Prequel stuff. Hope you will like it

@lapma Thanks! Oh and... the folded Paper Thing wasnt intentional but i do see why you think it looks like that. I do like the idea.. maybe i will do something based on it ^^

@Caps You too: Thank you :3. I also wanted it to look kinda like a book cover. The original purpose of this drawing was to be the art of my custom titlescreen for skyrim. But after some thinking here and there i did decide to turn it into fanart as well. So the idea of this being something like a book cover was quite close

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Zeroranic: The site:,,Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible''

Me: Its stuff

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Zeroranic: *ears

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Zeroranic: I want to animate some stuff in the future. Here is some of my preparation work. I can move every part like eary,hair, eyes etc individually
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