Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.

Dramatic Descriptions

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ZizZazZuz: No. This is what it feels like when you throw a fireball at yourself.

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ZizZazZuz: @AMKitsune: I feel that while uncommon for it to be that long, elongated hair to some extent is common enough.

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ZizZazZuz: Motion: A proposal for action; esp. a formal proposal in a deliberative assemble.

I hereby dub this quasi-forum/imageboard a deliberative assembly.

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ZizZazZuz: I second the motion.

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ZizZazZuz: Is this the first place you posted it, or does it come from another site like tumblr or deviantART?

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ZizZazZuz: Holy - what did I just watch? O_O
(Don't answer that.)

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ZizZazZuz: I'm sorry... I don't understand this reference.

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ZizZazZuz: Paint Tool Sai.

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ZizZazZuz: I was going to do an artistic render of this. Then PTS was like, 'Nope.'

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ZizZazZuz: @stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: I do, when it's visible.

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ZizZazZuz: Holy cow, that's awesome. Also, inb4 KillerFishSG. :D

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ZizZazZuz: Ouch.

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ZizZazZuz: We're terribly sorry for not using the 'looking_badass' tag first thing, Kazerad.

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ZizZazZuz: I meant a link, but I'm not familiar with 4chan, so that may not be possible? idk.

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ZizZazZuz: I would hope I'm kinda ubiquitous. But I don't think I am. :(

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ZizZazZuz: Yes.

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ZizZazZuz: @tjk: You make me look bad.

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ZizZazZuz: @tronn: Me neither.

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ZizZazZuz: @Nefel: My other stuff is almost universally better. :P

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ZizZazZuz: I... Yeah. I was still learning to draw... o////o

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ZizZazZuz: Ch'marr looks pissed.

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ZizZazZuz: Oh, I didn't upload this? Woops. So, this is Katia at age 13-ish, just before I guessed she ran away. Of course, I have no solid date...

There's no BG because Paint Tool Sai expired on my literally halfway through this piece. So. >.>

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ZizZazZuz: @Nefel: Do you know where the source is?

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ZizZazZuz: Aw nice! I was waiting for it on DeviantART, you sneaky guy. ;)

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ZizZazZuz: So...

Damn, I need to learn to draw. I mean, really draw. Like, without a source pose I can copy. T_T

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ZizZazZuz: @Gren: At least they don't look like humans with scales. May I direct your attention to the Mer...

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ZizZazZuz: @Bob: Crab uses Become Ethereal!


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ZizZazZuz: Total style switch. My apologies. Still learnin' to draw.

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ZizZazZuz: @Kazerad: Well crap, there goes my shot at it. ;-)

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ZizZazZuz: @ZizZazZuz: I mean, war axe.

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ZizZazZuz: @KillerfishSG: That's a freaking battleaxe.

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ZizZazZuz: Dream? Only good dream she's ever had.

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ZizZazZuz: Holy cow. How'd this get made?

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ZizZazZuz: @Kazerad: Weird.

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ZizZazZuz: This was made by AMKITSUNE (http://amkitsune.deviantart.com/), and has been posted before.

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ZizZazZuz: ... What the hell.

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ZizZazZuz: The piece speaks for itself, methinks, but I'll give it a shot.

So what not, Kat? Will you go back to your 'friend' in Anvil? Or will you go find a bottle and return to what you hinted was your 'previous career'? You always have a choice.

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ZizZazZuz: Yes, totally deserves to be the featured masterpiece. The lines are very well done, esp. the hands, which I have always found to be incredibly difficult. It's detailed enough to give a sense of depth and texture, but not detailed enough to lose a sense of cartoon-ish-ness. All in all, a great job for this being his first time using this technique. 9/10

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ZizZazZuz: Yes, I just collapsed a tomb on top of a bunch of monsters and am escaping as a rich khajiit. Any problems?

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ZizZazZuz: That moment where you realize your toys may be a part of a plot to drive you insane.
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