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Dramatic Descriptions

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_Noxygen_: Dammed you've improved a lot since your first drawing.They look great! I think I might start drawing again, I stopped like six months ago I think. You should get yourself a sketchbook if don't have one :)

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_Noxygen_: I'm telling you once you get your perspective down, everything you draw will show significant improvement. Good job bro

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_Noxygen_: She thuggin for catnip and shiniest now!

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_Noxygen_: @Rick2tails: idk I just used the auto tagging thing

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_Noxygen_: She needs her wizards beard, that's the first rule of wizarding bro!

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_Noxygen_: Hello

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_Noxygen_: Say sike right now

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_Noxygen_: @Skybolt06: I ditn do this one lol I wish. Dude on Fiverr did it

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_Noxygen_: Marinoartss is the artist you can find on fiverr

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_Noxygen_: I paid a dude on Fiverr to draw Katia eating one of the fairies from one of my drawings, this boi was really fast!

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_Noxygen_: Damm, that's clean af

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_Noxygen_: I haven't really been posting anything due to the Texas blackout, then packing and moving to a new city and now working, but I'm glad I can still have time to draw atleast.

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_Noxygen_: Yeah hands are stupid, I just make boxes and wing the details. Your a lot better than before! Now your drawing full bodies instead of just heads Wich is nice! Face looks good too

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_Noxygen_: Imo I feel you should focus more on perspective, freehand drawing simple volumes in perspective at multiple angles, and construction/deconstruction of complex and simple forms. They're the very foundation of your drawings, and will gift you this illusion of three dimensionality in your images. Think of your canvas not as a flat space, but as a three dimensional area to construct (I think of it like that grid workspace in Blender).

Anatomy is very advance and requires a good understanding of perspective, foreshortening and some shading and lighting to effectively communicate anatomical form in your drawings, which is why I say start with furthering your understanding of form and perspective. I'd would even say they are crucial fundementals in almost any artistic medium. I recommend watching Jazza explain these things, he's great at making this stuff fun to listen and learn from. I say give it two weeks of daily mindful practice from life and image references with the purpose of understanding and applying these two fundementals, and I garuentee you'll make huge improvements in drawing!

Sorry for the long post lol I wanted to help but now it got too long

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_Noxygen_: Nice

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_Noxygen_: @_Noxygen_: also I was wondering why these are numbered?

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_Noxygen_: @Bokdan0: headpats headpats

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_Noxygen_: Damm this is really nice! Wish my drawings had more cleaned lines and design

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_Noxygen_: Katia fucking Bannanagan

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_Noxygen_: @AMKitsune: plz tell me how to embed an image in the comment, I've been trying to figure that out

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_Noxygen_: This is really nice work!

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_Noxygen_: She got them ergonomics..

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_Noxygen_: Holy shite you did a beautiful job rendering this! I also can't believe you made this so fast lol it'd take me ages. I really like what you did with designing the hammer (can crush a Giants head with that thing), and love how the clothing came out looking. I just wanna say thank you for working on this. This is really awesome, and I feel more motivated to want to learn how to free paint like this now

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_Noxygen_: @Whistle: I was trying to rough in where a big ass hammer could be. I liked the idea of her wielding an uncomplicated blunt force weapon

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_Noxygen_: @Skybolt06: thanks bro, and just to clear up the clothing; this was a redesign of katias green robes. The green cloth is a one piece that covers the whole body (like guy and Rock Lee from Noruto if you've watched it) while the leather hoodie part is now extended to go further in length almost like a cape. Her hands and feet are made of the same material and brown color as the hoodie, and the foots heel and front half are exposed (but yeah they're basically like shock absorbers/braces). She was also going to wield a big brutal hammer lol, glad you like it!

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_Noxygen_: Katia became expenetaily wealthy after discovering a more cost effective manufacturing process for creating steel beams, thus creating a vast web of railroads that infest the imperial motherland. She insists from her prediction to this very day that these rails are for future bio-steam powered trains that will dominate all of Nirn. No one knows wtf she is talking about. They called her insane. She was right all along, you know. 600 years later, the deadra collapsed the sky into a permanent red darkness. The soil of Nirn was soaked in the blood and tears of her children as the deadra slaughtered everyone inside the now cursed, crimson hellfire. Out of desperation of human and beast kind,the last few surviving citizens of the lost era reversed engineered dwarvin technologies, used the most taboo of magic, and squandered their last bit of humanity... All in the aim of preserving their souls, and to say goodbye to the world they once knew. The Mortality Engines were created. Fueled by lost souls of it's makers. Placed inside a metal-flesh chassis that would never die. Cursed to be restricted to the ancient metal rails of solitude. These machines-these... Things, know nothing about the lengths the old world went to consider them into existence... Their eyes.. there.. gray face.. and smile. They struck cold, blue fear into the deadra. The roar of the Mortality Engines made the deadra flee Nirn entirely, and lifted the blood calamity atmosphere back into a calm stillnes. The machines roar their cursed engines to this day, knowing nothing of the past, or how they where birthed into existence.

Basically Katia and the deadra created the world of Thomas the choo-choo train lol I got a bit carried away

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_Noxygen_: Thanks guys! I kept trying to pick this one back up, but I couldn't figure out how to make the background or if I should make another lineart, or how to actually paint this. Maybe when I feel more confident with that stuff I could try again

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_Noxygen_: welp, I give up on this project. If anyone wants to finish it here's the Krita document


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_Noxygen_: What a Chad kat

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_Noxygen_: Fuck that's hot

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_Noxygen_: @ADudeCalledLeo: yes she's adorable is she not?

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_Noxygen_: *Moo noises

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_Noxygen_: I miss my rep 43 warden

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_Noxygen_: Wow I didn't know this was even a thing! This is really cool to see each individual style. I think my favorite is Vaktus, the fluidity of the gesture and dynamism is just amazing (and cute Kat). Sem, on the other hand is a God amongst near mortals lol

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_Noxygen_: this will now be my avatar

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_Noxygen_: @Skybolt06: you've improved quite a bit! Just look through your artist tag you can see progress

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_Noxygen_: sketched a bunch of heads. I'm kinda frustrated with my drawing studies, but this was pretty fun atleast

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_Noxygen_: F

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_Noxygen_: @Zargothrax: I stocked piled a fuck ton of childhood flash games before hand. "The Stick of a Thousand Horrors" sits in a small watch box, alongside my other ominousness USB sticks..

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_Noxygen_: Why does this remind me of a 90's cartoon

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_Noxygen_: wow, how long did this take to make? Asking because I take fkn forever to make something like this

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_Noxygen_: @_Noxygen_: you know what I'll change it and show you what I mean

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_Noxygen_: @NotGodOkay: unless your talking about this avatar cuz idk hat this is really

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_Noxygen_: @NotGodOkay: yeah I drew it cuz fuck tumbler lol

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_Noxygen_: not sure what I'll be doing with this just yet

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_Noxygen_: Wow you have excellent perspective with the gun! I'm always impressed with artists who can mimick the original style, great work man!

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_Noxygen_: I love her expression

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_Noxygen_: Damm, I'm impressed with how much your improving!

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_Noxygen_: What the fuck am I looking at

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_Noxygen_: @Denis:Thanks for the info! After researching the battle of Grozny a little, this picture feels much colder
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