DAEDRIC FUN TIP: If sidebar menus offend you, destroy them by clicking their header. Dramatic Descriptions November 11, 2016; 15:27 - Reply ammurin: ;_; November 2, 2016; 18:16 - Reply ammurin: That didn't take long September 8, 2016; 17:28 - Reply ammurin: @God: Thats quite a hefty bit of approval, if its from god. September 2, 2016; 09:43 - Reply ammurin: @FonkDerok Technically, he hasn't lost any fingers, It's still possible for kaz to win! September 2, 2016; 09:41 - Reply ammurin: @forestOverlord huh... can't believe I never saw that page. Thanks! September 2, 2016; 09:23 - Reply ammurin: @Enheldor: Gold. September 1, 2016; 11:24 - Reply ammurin: who is the other one? August 28, 2016; 09:38 - Reply ammurin: wat August 25, 2016; 10:52 - Reply ammurin: is it... a Balor? August 25, 2016; 10:50 - Reply ammurin: TO BATTLE! TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL! August 18, 2016; 10:18 - Reply ammurin: Ah, the magic of cardboard. August 18, 2016; 10:15 - Reply ammurin: Darthgonian's face is hilarious. August 14, 2016; 09:44 - Reply ammurin: nopenopenopenopenope August 13, 2016; 23:15 - Reply ammurin: EYE didn't know about this tag. August 13, 2016; 23:14 - Reply ammurin: eye hayd nho ider taht Qual-wav wuz a savage. Qwik-scoped catia in teh grammer. now is rekt August 13, 2016; 23:11 - Reply ammurin: This triggers me. August 13, 2016; 23:07 - Reply ammurin: Velma: Understand life, the universe, and everything. No stabbing. Just peace. UNTIL THE GREEN MAN STABS YOU! August 13, 2016; 23:04 - Reply ammurin: Time for me to cry in a corner because I have no idea how to gif. Should be fun to watch though. August 8, 2016; 10:22 - Reply ammurin: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: And assuming there are no highwaymen, this will turn out well August 8, 2016; 10:20 - Reply ammurin: Wow, great job! August 8, 2016; 10:19 - Reply ammurin: @ammurin: *merch August 8, 2016; 10:18 - Reply ammurin: March progress is over! We'll have the update by next year! August 6, 2016; 11:16 - Reply ammurin: @Geravind: The epic quest that is sure to end in failure. August 4, 2016; 14:27 - Reply ammurin: Well, the sword certainly isn't VESTigial August 4, 2016; 14:26 - Reply ammurin: ...Am impress. July 26, 2016; 19:32 - Reply ammurin: *intense racism* July 26, 2016; 10:27 - Reply ammurin: BUDIFUL July 26, 2016; 10:26 - Reply ammurin: A hint at the update? OF COURSE NOT! July 25, 2016; 18:23 - Reply ammurin: Well isn't this the definition of 'cuteness overload' July 25, 2016; 11:27 - Reply ammurin: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: *creeeeeeeeeed intensifies* July 24, 2016; 12:40 - Reply ammurin: - NOPE! July 24, 2016; 12:39 - Reply ammurin: The only problem is that it doesn't have big enough eyes: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/b/b4/Lena_Pichu.png/220px-Lena_Pichu.png Take notes July 19, 2016; 09:17 - Reply ammurin: @Monkfish: *holds up 10* *cardboard cutouts of katia behind me hold up 10* July 18, 2016; 10:22 - Reply ammurin: @Streetwind: If witchhunting is sure to result in victory then you must witchhunt! Sun Tzu said that. no, wait. July 18, 2016; 10:17 - Reply ammurin: :burn July 17, 2016; 08:03 - Reply ammurin: @Tahrey: I refuse to believe it. It can't be true. All the lines, they're relatively straight... IS NOT POSSIBLE! July 17, 2016; 08:01 - Reply ammurin: *suddenly, ectoplasm* July 14, 2016; 09:12 - Reply ammurin: that uhhh, huh. Not exactly sure how to describe it. Looks cool tho. July 13, 2016; 14:50 - Reply ammurin: mu'fukin HERO! July 13, 2016; 14:48 - Reply ammurin: @THE-RAGING-OVERLORD: always remember to not assume someones gender, even if you have vowed to end their life. July 13, 2016; 11:39 - Reply ammurin: the Highwaymanobliterator 2000™©® July 13, 2016; 11:36 - Reply ammurin: Many people think they can rob me blind no less than three times in under a week. Maybe, maybe... July 4, 2016; 09:18 - Reply ammurin: @MetalC0Mmander: totally me *thinks back to first few dramatic descriptions* yup totally me you guys. July 3, 2016; 11:32 - Reply ammurin: @DavidTheZettaNerd: OBJECTION! July 3, 2016; 11:29 - Reply ammurin: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I'm ing out of patience for these puns July 3, 2016; 11:28 - Reply ammurin: 'smoke two joints in the morning~ June 30, 2016; 19:15 - Reply ammurin: June 30, 2016; 19:13 - Reply ammurin: Magestic. June 30, 2016; 19:10 - Reply ammurin: @Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Or you can fail to open TWICE AS MANY DOORS! Think of the possibilities this opens up, or doesn't open up, I guess. June 30, 2016; 19:07 - Reply ammurin: When you stare into the boobspace, the boobspace stares back into you. First | Prev | Random | Next | Last<< 1 | 2 >>
Dramatic Descriptions
Thats quite a hefty bit of approval, if its from god.
Qwik-scoped catia in teh grammer.
now is rekt
No stabbing. Just peace.
Should be fun to watch though.
And assuming there are no highwaymen, this will turn out well
The epic quest that is sure to end in failure.
*creeeeeeeeeed intensifies*
Take notes
*holds up 10*
*cardboard cutouts of katia behind me hold up 10*
If witchhunting is sure to result in victory then you must witchhunt! Sun Tzu said that.
no, wait.
I refuse to believe it.
It can't be true.
All the lines, they're relatively straight...
always remember to not assume someones gender, even if you have vowed to end their life.
Maybe, maybe...
totally me
*thinks back to first few dramatic descriptions*
yup totally me you guys.