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compaqness: Yes! I'm glad you picked up the reference! I was thinking about how a Prequel adventure party would look like and remembered how ToD presented it's characters and thought it'd be neat draw it that way.

Though I'm not sure how likely this combination would be in the actual story :p

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compaqness: @Tahrey Oh man, the Arcade D&D games were always so intense looking! Would love to get to that level of detail those games had going!

I'll admit that I was debating on whether to go with an alluring design vs. equipped adventure gear (of course,right?) but I stuck with the one I was more confident I could do better :p

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compaqness: Ah, thanks everyone! This is my first time coming to the fanartbooru, so I really appreciate the kind words!

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compaqness: Thanks! I was actually thinking about the old D&D arcade beat em' up while I was drawing this, so that most likely influenced it.
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