DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions. Dramatic Descriptions September 10, 2014; 08:40 - Reply emanresU_looC: I think it's a screenshot from Skyrim. March 19, 2014; 00:24 - Reply emanresU_looC: As I struggle to graph fuckin ellipses and various other conic sections. March 19, 2014; 00:20 - Reply emanresU_looC: I agree with Killerfish, angels are allowed to have feet. March 19, 2014; 00:17 - Reply emanresU_looC: Mouth puzzle solving works less well when the puzzle is a single entity that is bigger than said orifice. First | Prev | Random | Next | Last<< 1 >>
Dramatic Descriptions