Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.

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gm01epic: To all who have come here, I apologize for the aforementioned unsatisfactory reply that caused this demonstration of beauty that has likely dumbfounded you with its pure wonder

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gm01epic: I enjoy this image much more than I should. It's probably the puns.

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gm01epic: @Enheldor: It did, actually! Thanks for that, I'm new to this.

@Toryu-Mau: We must never let these memories slip away~

And before I forget, thanks for the stream, Kaz! It was fun (for the most part).

- Reply
gm01epic: @Adroma: That I am.

Also quick tag edit, better safe than sorry.

- Reply
gm01epic: Somebody told me to upload this so I did. While Kaz was making the gif you see right before this image, I made this.

It's Kazeross.
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