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Dramatic Descriptions

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: @unknown_victor: Haha!Thank you for respecting me.Sorry, my English is not good enough.I used to convey my emotion by it.I'll translate it another time.

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: 洗耳闻君诗一首,

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: 求之不得,寤寐思服。悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: I AGREE!
I used to think that many of foreigners were iascivious,I apologize.I wish all of you are honest.

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: 嘻嘻笑笑 亲亲密密 真真欢欢颜颜
呼呼吼吼 仇仇恨恨 相相打打杀杀

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: XD


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gu-dao-zhao-yan: Great!Let bygone be bygone.

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: @Baz1S:
Oh, hi there.
None.But I have recommended Prequel to a number of people.

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: :)Meet is fate.Nice to meet you!I'm from China.是Prequel让我们相聚,天下读者是一家。

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: @KillerfishSG: I’m overpraised.Actually I had no idea when I was painting background,half of it was copy.
I painted for a week.It's almost school open day.I will leave for five months.Thank you all!You enriched my summer vacation and gave me a chance to practiced my English.
— —红颜如月有圆缺,君名逍遥莫悲切。昨日总总情深种,他夜梦里寻芳踪。

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: @KillerfishSG:
Quite complicated.I was going to painted that She want to fish.
Uh,from strong to weak,the concentration of ink was divide into“焦墨”(100%ink)、“重墨”(80%ink)、“浓墨”(60%)、“淡墨”、“清墨”.When I was painting background,I used 重墨 and 浓墨 to paint the position of Katia.It caused green pigment and ink mix together.I did some processing with computer.
— —初见佳人如绮梦,一路红尘竟是空。有缘无份结发请,依依不舍断肠时。

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gu-dao-zhao-yan: It wasn't exactly made by myself.Actually it's a semifinished article.I didn't drew Katia because I screwed up when I was drawing her.
— —轻舟荡漾故人远,世间不再有何然。
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