Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.

Dramatic Descriptions

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invertigo: the prequel fandom wants a hug, apparently

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invertigo: interesting interpretation to use a 4a yoyo instead of the traditional 1a. pretty cool.

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invertigo: I forgot to enable a layer... who do I talk to about replacing the main file?

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invertigo: i guess i really like situations where katia wins at something for once

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invertigo: good post op

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invertigo: Considering what she can do drunk without any semblance of consciousness, I hope Katia eventually masters her alcoholism and becomes a monster as a result.

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invertigo: nah, she'll be fine

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invertigo: Knowing Katia, she might go around dooting demons instead of ripping and tearing.

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invertigo: First time reading Prequel and seeing general Elder Scrolls beyond skimming playthroughs and memes.

Katia's a cutie.
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