
Dramatic Descriptions

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makingfailure: @Mediocre_Scrublord: like in pants, but with restrictions. Like restrictions of movement, locomotion and/or forward momentum.

Thanks for putting this up tronn!

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makingfailure: Well, glad someone saved this. "Streangth" was actually intentional.

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makingfailure: Welcome on the most painful ride of the internet. It may be slow but boy does it hurt.

Nice drawing, looking forward to more

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makingfailure: nah, just a tight suit...yeah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_ukfGAd8T4 the source of the suit

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makingfailure: Oh, I posted my shitty wallpaper edit in the thread instead of the original piece. I have no idea who the original artist is though.

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makingfailure: Thanks guys :)
She is supposed to be "leveled up" here, otherwise she has no right to wear that look of superiority.

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makingfailure: Plague always delivers awesome art in top speeds.

Those peasant teeth though.

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makingfailure: @stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: Sadly, yes. When Katia laughs at your misfortunes, your life must be hell.

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makingfailure: "Wanna buy some drugs, kid?"

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makingfailure: Wait, is this the one Kazerad bought for (and sent to?) anon?

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makingfailure: sadistic cat watches a crab murder a cane.

or something like that.

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makingfailure: This anon artist was cool, pity he doesn't have a set spot where he dumps his art.

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makingfailure: War is a citizens worst luck, especially if the draft is active. Guess it's more that bad luck can't leave her.

The crossover character is Anna from Valiant Hearts if anyone is wondering. Can't find a source for the image though so I guess Korbenn is the artist/editor?

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makingfailure: oh shit, I just noticed the bats :D

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makingfailure: This crossover works amazingly well.

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makingfailure: @JRMaCC: Wow, they sure have a lot of things I haven't seen before, nice link :)

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makingfailure: The death of her squad would also be entirely her fault. She may even be declared a traitor for it.
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