DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Tag the damned artists. If you do not know the artist, attempt a quick image search before leaving the tag blank. Dramatic Descriptions September 13, 2016; 00:56 - Reply sIDsleeper: @Bob: I love how you forgone the joke, and wrote "when" instead of "if" to begin with. September 13, 2016; 00:54 - Reply sIDsleeper: There's "snorting warp dust" and there's "snorting so much warp dust, that you end up in in the future a few 10's of thousands years in another dimension (probably)" September 13, 2016; 00:46 - Reply sIDsleeper: Definitely questionabe! ...also, too much is going on at the same time, and that freaks me out. First | Prev | Random | Next | Last<< 1 >>
Dramatic Descriptions
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...also, too much is going on at the same time, and that freaks me out.