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sandwich_lord_: Maybe she lost something

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sandwich_lord_: Well actually no other animal (although this is a fictional world with magic and humanoid lizards and cats) actually never mind science does not apply anymore

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sandwich_lord_: ........................IS THIS REALLY WHAT WE HAVE DEGRESSED TO!

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sandwich_lord_: When I Saw this it reminds me of a picture that I saw it was a wookie riding a large squirrel fighting nazis

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sandwich_lord_: How did you get your dog to stay still like this

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sandwich_lord_: This is just so damn cute

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sandwich_lord_: I don't even, what?

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sandwich_lord_: I'm sorry but How is this water color this looks too clean to be

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sandwich_lord_: Probably what she is going to have to do

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sandwich_lord_: It probably doesn't mean that but still begs the question, what is "it"

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sandwich_lord_: I feel the pyro would be more fitting than the heavy

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sandwich_lord_: I love how this made its own section "normal mild mannered butt

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sandwich_lord_: Wow this is a perfect ending to this little dispute

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sandwich_lord_: This is a very calming picture

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sandwich_lord_: ITS VERY BIG

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sandwich_lord_: I want to go to there if there is more of this

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sandwich_lord_: How do you program a calculator to do that

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sandwich_lord_: 5 minutes later. (Cuts to picture of an ambulance for 10 seconds then cuts to black) *sad music plays*

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sandwich_lord_: This looks like a dog

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sandwich_lord_: Me when I see an inappropriate spray in a game

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sandwich_lord_: I feel like this is what would happen

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sandwich_lord_: This is very beautiful

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sandwich_lord_: Wait now I see it never mind

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sandwich_lord_: Were is she lying down

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sandwich_lord_: She a tratior

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sandwich_lord_: So what your quoting is a saying that means you got married

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sandwich_lord_: I think this is very good drawing but I can draw equal to that

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sandwich_lord_: WINERS DONT DO DRUGS

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sandwich_lord_: Exactly how it happened

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sandwich_lord_: Worst horse doctor ever actually never mind best most just shoot your horse in the face if it had a broken leg at least she tried to operate

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sandwich_lord_: Chicken wing saves all

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sandwich_lord_: Some pictures aren't questionable but this one is

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sandwich_lord_: When I first saw this I was silent for about a minute and then I broke out laughing for around 5 minutes
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