If you wish to vainly improve your image with a reupload, beseech an admin or report your original upload for its crimes.

Dramatic Descriptions

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tjk: Keep in mind that Katia is hideously neotonized, making her head far larger than it is in 'reality'. It's all stylistic man

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tjk: This is the first time I've seen a Katia Managan mod that doesn't particularly suck. Nice job!

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tjk: Woah damn this is cool

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tjk: Holy wow. This is super good!

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tjk: This is really the best sorta stuff

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tjk: That seems like a security flaw. 0:

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tjk: That one with the leotard?

I dunno. I mean, in the end, fanart is fanart. Sometimes it's nudity without purely prurient intent. Sometimes, like in this case, it's not-nude but totally prurient. Sometimes, it's a sexual act without prurient intent! (Like that one about how Katia can beat Sigrid because her boobs are bigger.)

It'll probably be when things are controversial (like this; we're controversing about it!) that decides if it gets deleted or not.

Which is why I think the secret pornographic fanart section should be revealed to the general public, just with an age-gate, so we don't have people posting that stuff here.

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tjk: Also wow this looks so much more questionable with that pineapple covering the lack-of-action

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tjk: I love this a lot!

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tjk: This looks too much like Cider's art. ???

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tjk: I fucking KNEW you'd upload this omg

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tjk: she's wearing no clothes tag this questionable wtf man

Just kidding, very nice job!

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tjk: The handle broke but the cup was unscathed. Judging by the splatter mark on the floor and the lack of a splatter on the chair, it seems this may have been... STAGED.

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tjk: If Kaz has lots and lots of money he can make an aerogel coat! Best insulator out there, but it might be too transparent (and non-malleable, or whatever the word for not-bendy is)

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tjk: "You can't make a transparent hoodie in real life"

Aren't there so many fucking different transparent materials out there that



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tjk: Kaz (or the mods) deleted a few of the new questionable images. I wonder what the worst thing they had to delete was (outside trolls uploading straight-up porn).

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tjk: I love this!

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tjk: So you were roleplaying as a pony the whole time... )':

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tjk: It's on 4Chan's MLP board at the moment. The thing was, he did a bunch of MLP art and people were doing requests because he was throwing out great art super quick and then he posted this, showing his true identity.

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tjk: Lyrics sites tend to automatically add that to your thing through some JavaScript tomfoolery.

I made one, but even though it's not to the Pokemon theme, you can sing it to it anyways.

"Because I could not stop for Kaz
He kindly stopped for me
The front page held but just ourselves
and an update, finally."

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tjk: It's not. 4Chan is an anonymous image board. Imagine like this, but once something got too old, it got deleted.

Source is Kazerad. He draws on the /co/ board of 4chan sometimes - warning though, 4chan is NSFW.

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tjk: "After I am done featuring holiday images I am going to make sure this stays in the fanart page's 'featured' box for like a billion years."

If Katia can round up to the nearest week, you can round down to the nearest trillion years.

(Not that I don't love that song! It's just that I love this too.)

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tjk: Pepsidude and Killerfish are the biggest fans? I figured Amkitsune would take at least place 1 or 2.

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tjk: This sounds really funny if you read it in the Russian alphabet.



(The "Q" doesn't have a Cyrillic letter and neither does the "L", but the "L" looks an awful lot like "Г", which is Russian for "G".)

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tjk: Aggy? This is perfect.

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tjk: Whenever I do a canvas texture, I start out with a base noise layer. I use GIMP, but there's usually an equivalent to everything I do in photoshop. I forgot exactly how I made this one, but I usually just make two layers of noise, and blur one horizontal, the other vertical, and then put them on top of each other.

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tjk: @ZizZazZuz : Nonsense. The only way you'll look bad is if you don't keep on arting. Draw and draw and draw!

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tjk: Speedpainting, about 50 minutes.

I stole the pose from this fanart by Kazerad: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/995

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tjk: I love this!

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tjk: ANother one of my daily practice speedpaintings. 35 minutes I think. I'm going to try to limit most of these to 600x600 and then upload them grouped together so I don't spam the gallery much more!

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tjk: I would pay money for a Cave Story reskinning like this.

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tjk: While everybody's posting a bunch of fanart, I wanted to post an awful speedpainting I did awhile back!

I wanna become good at speedpainting, and also really good at drawing Katia, so I'm going to begin doing one of these at least three times a week

(she has no underwear, pupils, or a nose apparently i'm so sorry this will be rectified in the future)

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tjk: (19, if anybody's wondering.)

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tjk: Amazing!

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tjk: I like it! It's great!

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tjk: Quality, non-sexualized artistic nudity. I really don't see what the problem would be. Surely the one where QW was groping Katia was far worse, but still acceptable?

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tjk: For those wondering: Водка is Russian for "Vodka".

It's the same exact word, letter for letter, except in the Russian alphabet, too! That "B" is pronounced "V", that "д" is pronounced "d", and all the other letters are pretty much the same.

The more you know!

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tjk: Construct a tourniquet... On her throat?

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tjk: Thanks @TVhead!

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tjk: Music sounds familiar... Is it Foxamoore?

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tjk: That could have been chocolate cake!
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