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Uploader LazPuf,
Tags Artist:LazPuf character:Katia_Managan Katia's_wizard_robe monochrome portrait sketch
Source Unknown
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LazPuf: why is it sideways
i havent seen it sideways anywhere else

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Raydio: Because she was laying down, but got up when people clicked on the image, obviously.

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LazPuf: Is there anything I can do about it?

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Raydio: Idk

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LazPuf: I tried that. I want it so I don't have to tilt my head.

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Rick2tails: your file is probably scanned in sideways you need to edit it to the proper direction.you can do that with a number of programs I use Irfanview myself.its a free picture file editing program

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LazPuf: @Rick2tails:
Thank you. I'll try it.

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Kazerad: It looks rightside-up to me. Did someone else already fix it before I logged on, or is this current presentation incorrect and she's supposed to be laying down?

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Toryu-Mau: ... Always interesting to see how each artist utilize construction lines in different ways. >):^]

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: fixed it.

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LazPuf: @AMKitsune:
Thank you. I had no clue what to do, being new to the booru.