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Enheldor: I saw the original while I was listening to the stream last night. I knew what had to be done.

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PermanentFace: That should be the Third Era... Shouldn't it?

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Enheldor: @PermanentFace: When I googled when Oblivion was set, that was the date I was given.

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FonkDerok: @Enheldor but... skyrim is 4th era right? amd it takes place after oblivion

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CaptainLackwit: 3E 433.

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Enheldor: @FonkDerok: I must have misread it. The page has not been changed recently. I did make this at 2 in the morning; I was probably tired. I'll fix it.

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Enheldor: @Enheldor: I actually have no clue how to replace the image.