DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward. Image Uploader Kazerad, November 17, 2015; 02:14 Tags artist:Cerebro_Podrido character:Katia_Managan Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow Katia's_Thief_Tunic monochrome portrait Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible November 17, 2015; 02:16 - Reply Kazerad: Here's another thiefy Kat! Nice inkwork on this one. November 17, 2015; 08:51 - Reply Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I like the angle of her head, makes you think she's trying to hear what you just said, because of that wind-machine.
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