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Uploader AMKitsune,
Tags adorable artist:Diorum character:Katia_Managan digitigrade
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AMKitsune: An adorable piece by Diorum, kindly drawn at request during a triple art-stream between himself, Cider and Kazerad.
The request was something along the lines of "Katia wrapped up in a puffy blanket, all warm and snug"

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_Noxygen_: wow, how long did this take to make? Asking because I take fkn forever to make something like this

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APayne1776_2: Adorable and amazing

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AMKitsune: @_Noxygen_: About an hour I think. He was really quite fast.

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KuroNeko: Alright, this might be the best Katia I've seen her. It's so adorable

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ADudeCalledLeo: Now that's what I call C O M F Y

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Skybolt06: This is absolutely adorable
nice artz
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Denis: Прекрасный арт
Вот оно сразу видно, у кого есть умение. Оно просто есть и будет, и всё. А у кого-то нет. Просто нет и не будет, и всё

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Dominik: Its soo frickin cuuuute, good job ^^

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Zargothrax: So damn adorable!