Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.


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Uploader mac,
Tags artist:mac character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave Kill_La_Kill photo sketch
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mac: i tried to get my mom to put this on fridge but ended up havin to do it myself

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MikeyTheFox: For a second there I was going to say. "I only see Ryuko from Kill La Kill, how is this Prequel Fanart?" But then I see a small Quill and Katia on the side. Also, by the nine, please tag your images correctly. "video girl an the cartoons" is not a correct tag.

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mac: my mom called them "video girl an the cartoons" please do not disrespect my mom like that

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mac: and on the day after mother's day of all days

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MikeyTheFox: @mac: I am not disrespecting your mother. I am just simply stating if your going to upload images here, to please tag them appropriately.

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mac: my mom says she forgives you