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Tags best_mug character:Katia_Managan crafting despair modern_art photo realspace telekinesis
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FistHombre: In Kazerads own words; '' you should put this on the fanart page. I would consider it modern art''

I guess this was entirely inevitable when I decided to put Katia of all (cat)people on a mug

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Mediocre_Scrublord: HA.

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Nefel: You were asking for it. I hope you didn't burn yourself though

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KillerfishSG: Nooooooooo, poor Katia mug! D:

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tjk: The handle broke but the cup was unscathed. Judging by the splatter mark on the floor and the lack of a splatter on the chair, it seems this may have been... STAGED.
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Higuera: ^ a SHOCKING conclusion to this episode of what happened to a katia mug!

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: Now she will not just look into your soul artificially... she will stare into it TANGIBLY.

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Gren: Telekinesis. You are doing it wrong.

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Gren: That's cause you're not thinking like a witchhunter.

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FistHombre: @tjk you could say it is semi-staged actually, it did legit fall and fuck up everything but as I picked it up and went to clean up the mess I decided I wanted to immortalize this moment so I placed it back(probably not on the correct impact spot) to take a picture.

NONETHELESS I would never in my life do something like this to something so precious. That coffee is useless now.

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SrLupinotuum: Who the hell put "cheap mug" tag?! >:/