The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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Uploader Ravan,
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Ravan: http://webfile.ru/1bb384dac0e963eef756784fa106fb28

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Mediocre_Scrublord: that is actually pretty fuckin' rad

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Mediocre_Scrublord: the translation is a bit wonky

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Ravan: Know, had to use a translator. I asked for help, but no one wanted to help (((

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Unidentified_BA: Raven, if you would ever like, I would be willing to help you in my limited capacity. Just add me on skype or steam at Unidentified BA.
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SkellyBeans: Ravan, I don't know of any other way to reach you but I'd like to chat. I can also offer to proofread and translate your script if you wish. Add me on steam as SkellyBeans if you'd like.

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Ravan: Why a helping hand come when you've done everything on its own ...

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Ravan: Честно ребят, где вас носит когда вы так нужны...
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TemporaryFace: What is it, a video? Can someone put it on Youtube?

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Ravan: That not a Video, its flash movie. And he does not belong to the main history.
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TemporaryFace: Can you upload it to Youtube anyway? I'd rather not download any files I don't have to.
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Alceris: I am disappointed by the fact that I can no longer view this fan work.