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Tags 4chan artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan gluten-free knock_off photo realspace
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CoolestUsername: That totally counts as fanart right? I have no idea what to tag this.

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: It's intentionally supposed to be Katia on that pic, so yeah it's okay.

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makingfailure: Wait, is this the one Kazerad bought for (and sent to?) anon?

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Kazerad: @makingfailure: Yes it is.

(For anyone who's curious: after visiting a 4chan Prequel thread, I mentioned I had to leave to go shopping. Someone asked me to pick them up some mango juice. So I did, and mailed it to them)

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CoolestUsername: @Kazerad: did you draw the katia on it? cause I had it mailed to me by a friend, must have missed that thread.

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Kazerad: @CoolestUsername: I drew it, yeah. This bottle of mango juice is apparently getting passed all over.

I got another bottle and actually drank it. It's not even that good.

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Armael: Just a tad sweet, because it's full of cat tears.

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Best fan art ever.